After rumors leaked by the agency say, several times yesterday newspapers online,
Agoravox public the full text of the bill as anti-pm as it was tabled in the House
This is a law that punishes judges
that have intercepted during an investigation.
how it works:
anyone who has been intercepted during an investigation,
also not against it (for example, all the girls
survey Ruby, where they are not investigated, but
Berlusconi, Faith, and Mora ) can ask within
two years and get compensation of up to € 100 thousand
where the suspects are acquitted, acquitted
or stored.
And will pay the pm who requested the interception
and Gip who has prepared : Each time an investigation
not lead to a final sentence (or a prescription)
judges will drop out of their pockets up to € 100 thousand for each
Not only may also be subject to disciplinary proceedings
if the Minister of Justice and Attorney General
at the Supreme Court deem it appropriate.
last note: the rule is retroactive .
From the moment you enter into force,
anyone has been subject to interception
in the last five years can ask the court
compensation of € 100 thousand and do punish
where the suspect has been acquitted, acquitted
or stored.
is short, I ,....... I will not always take head-
berlusconi, but ....
Berlusconi in the case of the strange case law falls in french bean. The law being retroactive
includes the processes for which
TODAY is the prime suspect.
convince those who are in the process against him
to avoid being punished, will allow these people
(he / intercepted that are against him)
to pocket money, and dropped him to see their own jobs.
Acquitted. I used
Berlusconi as an example because it is easier, but
this goes for all those involved in the process. Investigated and
indaganti Metton you agree:
he is acquitted and they are intercepted and pocket money.
Say what you want, but to me these laws give me
And remember that the real problems are OTHER
-----> bah <-----
Daniele Lapenna
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