In the press today:
1) 18/02/2011 - INDIA-Fast and sit-in against the bishops and faithful a false report on violence in Karnataka by Nirmala Carvalho
2) For 's budget "Humanae vitae" forty years later - progress and destiny in the vision of Pope Paul VI, Hermann GEISSLER (© L'Osservatore Romano - 19 February 2011)
3) The true religious freedom and who threatens it. The intervention of Introvigne in Belgrade - published by Introvigne - Threats to religious freedom in the twenty-first century
4) As Saint Peter went into Cattedran Roger Sangalli, 19/02/2011, by
5) The twenty-first century, already promises tragic Introvigne, 19.02.2011,
6) MONS. Betori: TO DO SCHOOL, MUST BE THE "PASSION FOR MEN" - Speech at the national convention CdO Educational Works
7) Anthony Hopkins: «essere atei è come vivere in una cella senza finestre», 17 febbraio, 2011, da
8) Sull’aborto Madrid «sfida» Zapatero - Spagna - Il Parlamento regionale creerà una rete per sostenere le donne incinte in difficoltà. Previsti aiuti economici e agevolazioni - DA MADRID MICHELA CORICELLI – 19 febbraio 2011
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