Tuesday, February 15, 2011

How To Get Crawfish To Afghanistan

Press by Giorgio Razeto

In press review Today:
1) "Giussani's charism is still alive," Massimo Introvigne, 02/14/2011, by http://www.labussolaquotidiana.it
2) Women, a problem of education are not manifestations of Luigi Negri *, 15/02/2011, by http://www.labussolaquotidiana.it
3) ; Birth of first love Luke Doninelli, Tuesday, February 15, 2011, the sussidiario.net
4) support motherhood in the Piedmont via the distribution of the baby bonus - the plan, from Turin, Fabrizio Assandri, events, February 15, 2011
5) Anselm of Aosta, a teacher of faith and reason for Europe - In defending the freedom of the Church, the Archbishop reflective Monaco became combative. - His work revived Augustine and Cassiodorus, Alessandro Ghisalberti, events, February 15, 2011


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