Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Bulemia Congestive Heart Failure

Press to Edited by George Razeto

In today's press release:
1) ; catechesis of the Holy Father at St. Robert Bellarmine - 23 February 2011
2) Europe, here is the new face of anti-Christian Marco Rejected, 02/22/2011, by
3) Lent living memory of our baptism of Introvigne, 02/22/2011, by /
4) Saviano and the reasons for a law of Andrea Tornielli, 02/22/2011, by http://www.labussolaquotidiana . it
5) Saviano e le ragioni di una legge di Andrea Tornielli, 22-02-2011, da
6)     Sbarchi, accoglienza sì ma senza incentivi di Mauro Maurino*, 22-02-2011, da
7)     SUI RISCHI LEGATI ALL'EUTANASIA, IL BELGIO FA SCUOLA - In un caso su tre la morte avviene senza richiesta o consenso del paziente di Paul De Maeyer, ROME, Tuesday, February 22, 2011 (
8) The phenomenon of the stigmata in Natuzza Evolo Don Marcello Stanzione, from
9) Something you begin to understand Massimo Viglione - 22/02/2011 - from
10) IN DEFENSE OF LIFE - A LETTER FROM MR. Olimpia Tarzia - from - \u200b\u200bAbstract: It is with great pleasure that we publish this letter received by Mr. Olimpia Tarzia, a policy has always been at the forefront of the defense of Life.
11) ; Emergency Preparedness Riccardo Cascioli, 02/23/2011, by
12) ; The flag of Education by Roberto Colombo, Wednesday, February 23, 2011, the
13) J'accuse / The three lies of Rodotà and "the party of euthanasia" by Alberto Gambino - Wednesday, February 23, 2011 - the
14) THE GRINTA / With the Coens back to the Westerns that Oscar wants to talk about justice for Luisa Maria Bellucci, Wednesday, February 23, 2011, the
15), February 23, 2011 - The strength of the beautiful and tragic events in North Africa - Freedom cry. What a wake up Our David Rondoni
16) The law on living wills is a spectacular own goal - 23/02/2011 - Euthanasia - Alessandro Gnocchi & Mario Palmaro from
17) "Free marijuana for medical purposes by Giuseppe Brienza, 23/02/2011, by


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