Friday, February 11, 2011

How To Dry Wall Chimley Stak

Truffa aggravata per la dipendente che emette fatture irregolari su ordine del capo

Aggravated fraud for issuing employee
improper invoices on order of the head.

Censored in all three sets of proceedings ( read the ruling on the right Guide) conduct by an employee who, on the recommendation of the principal, compiled documents "false" to cover a wide range of irregularities: payments by "black" in a double internal accounting of financial transactions.

For the defenders had an activity of "mere preparation"
activity of "mere preparation" of acts that did not - according to the defense of the employee - no relevance outside. Responsibility was, in fact, be attributed entirely to the employer who gave orders that were executed, for the simple fear of losing their jobs, without any malice. Arguments are not convincing to stoats, but forced to declare prescription for an offense still exists, but committed seven years earlier.



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