Sunday, February 27, 2011

Conciertos De Pati Navida

Press by Giorgio Razeto

In today's press release:
1)     LE PAROLE DEL PAPA ALLA RECITA DELL’ANGELUS, 27.02.2011 - Alle ore 12 di oggi il Santo Padre Benedetto XVI si affaccia alla finestra del suo studio nel Palazzo Apostolico Vaticano per recitare l’Angelus con i fedeli ed i pellegrini convenuti in Piazza San Pietro. Queste le parole del Papa nell’introdurre la preghiera mariana
2)     A sorpresa Obama apre al "matrimonio" gay di Marco Respinti, 24-02-2011,
3) POLICY CAN NOT ACCEPT THE Archbishop of religious relativism. Giampaolo Crepaldi *
4) INDIA / Christian School on fire in Srinagar, suspected Islamic fundamentalists - Staff Writer - Thursday, February 24, 2011 - the subsidiary. net
5) THE JOURNAL / Allam: Libia, l’Italia rischia di essere invasa dagli integralisti – Redazione - giovedì 24 febbraio 2011 – il
6)     LIBIA/ Mario Mauro: ecco cosa deve fare l'Europa per sopravvivere a Gheddafi di Mario Mauro, venerdì 25 febbraio 2011, il
7)     IL CASO/ Il bimbo down e quegli studenti che "bocciano" i prof del politically correct di Monica Mondo, venerdì 25 febbraio 2011,
8) 25/02/2011 - CHINA - Chinese dissident arrested: he struggled against the law "only child" - Mao Hengfeng has been reported in a labor camp, three days after being released for medical reasons. Fought against the Chinese law requires that only one child per couple. It is not known where it was conducted.
9) A study by the Harvard AIDS - The Pope is right in EMMANUEL RIZZARDI (© L'Osservatore Romano - 26 February 2011)
10) ; Vatican Radio - Science and Ethics, news of 25.02.2011 - Archbishop Carrasco De Paula: world increasingly aggressive against human life
11) A Afghanistan in the Mediterranean - Two scenarios of the revolt in the Arab countries. That Egypt, with an unusual alliance between Christians and Muslims. And that of Libya, where the collapse of the state paves the way for radical Islamism. The analysis by Khaled Fouad Allam Sandro Magister
12) ; February 25, 2011 -, defense of life, the morning after pill, from NBC to conscientious objection of pharmacists
13) Islam, a "third way" or fundamentalist or secularist Massimo Introvigne, 26/02/2011, by
14)                       Quella mano leggera che sfiorò Edith Stein di Andrea Monda, 26-02-2011, da
15)                       nihilism, The 'restless guest "THAT is haunting Europe - for Cardinal Bagnasco, the root of the educational crisis is the" lack of confidence in life "
16 ) FOR JOHN PAUL II THE FIRST TASK OF A POPE AND PRAY - Talk of the postulator cause of beatification of Karol Wojtyla of Clare Santomiero
17), February 26, 2011 - to the Pontifical Academy for Life - The Pope says abortion is always a destructive
18), February 26, 2011, THE DEFENSE OF LIFE - Pharmacists: possible objection to the morning-after pill
19), February 26, 2011, THE GUEST - A correct interpretation end of life on the Ddl - With Dat can not impose anything - But some choices can not be delegated
20) ; THE DRAMA OF ABORTION IN THE WORDS OF THE POPE - On the true moral conscience of the human heart ROBERTO COLOMBO, events, February 27, 2011
21) ; Sunday, February 27, 2011 - The Pope realized that the "bank of life" there is a lot 'of selfishness. Doubts also by the scientific community Carlo Bellieni © Copyright The West, February 27, 2011


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