Skip the text of the decree on federalism from the bottom
€ 400 million for the families to rent
with dependent children .
But is not the only problem facing
who does not own the house where she lives. Many disputes
fact that the justice of the peace
must solve. The faucet leaks and the shower is clogged:
plumber who should pay the bill?
According to the latest ISTAT figures live in the rental
18.2% of Italians, approximately 4 million and 300 families. The
70% of the "hosts" are private ,
other public bodies and companies. Tenants are more
in large metropolitan areas. Many vacation escape
to any rule and are not registered. For those
regular, the distribution of costs
also depends on the type of contract.
We take into consideration the classical
4 +4 (ie 4 years plus an additional 4 to renewal),
the most common category.
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