Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Are Club Penguin Cards At King Soopers?

Press by Giorgio Razeto

In the press today:
1) Current Giussani George Chiosso, Tuesday, February 22, 2011, the sussidiario.net
2) Anniversary Giussani, a charisma that continues to flourish, Giorgio Paolucci, events, February 22, 2011
3) "Now a summit of EU heads of government" by Riccardo Cascioli, 21 - 02-2011, by http://www.labussolaquotidiana.it
4) The primacy of God in Times of Crisis by Massimo Introvigne, 21/02/2011, from http://www.labussolaquotidiana.it
5) Ungaretti and the search for God - Through the door of the doubt - we publish excerpts from the first chapter of the book Questioning the faith. Applications for those who believe today (Torino, Lindau, 2011 pages 99, € 12) COCO LUCIO (© L'Osservatore Romano - 21 to 22 February 2011)
6) ; The woman who brought the legal abortion in the U.S. today is Catholic and pro-life champion - February 21, 2011, from http://www.uccronline.it
7) Mom says no to sex at school, goes to jail Mark Rejected, 02/22/2011, by http://www.labussolaquotidiana.it
8) persecuted Christians, the EU is afraid to dare Marco Rejected, 21/02/2011, by http://www.labussolaquotidiana.it
9) Avvenire.it, February 22, 2011 - Bitter and insensate polemiche sul fine vita - Il diritto più prezioso di Francesco D’Agostino
10)                       SCUOLA/ Rigotti: cari prof, non si insegna (e non si impara) nulla senza libertà di Eddo Rigotti, martedì 22 febbraio 2011, il sussidiario.net
11) THE REPLICA / Binetti: the only "aggressive" is to protect life against Rodotà Paola Binetti, Tuesday, February 22, 2011
12) ; "Someone was a communist because Berlinguer was a good person ..." or not? Of Kurdakov - 22/02/2011 - the day the unit - http://www.libertaepersona.org
13) ; Where is Libya? By Press Release - 21/02/2011 - Africa - by http://www.libertaepersona.org


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