Internet non morirà: in aiuto all' IPv4 arriva l' IP V6. Ecco come verificare che sia attivo su Windows
alleging 'article
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Here we learn that the delayed end of the web.
Under the 'site article
which also explains how to check whether
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Monday, February 28, 2011
Where Can I Buy Tab Collar Shirts
Press by Giorgio Razeto
In press review Today:
1) Europe, if you've beat a shot by Andrea Tornielli, 02.28.2011, http://www.labussolaquotidiana . it
2) Yara, the difficult realization that evil is among us of Raffaele Frullone, 02.28.2011,
3) ; Stem Cells from cord: the Pope does science Carlo Bellieni, 28.02.2011,
4) "Abortion does not solve anything and destroys the woman" by Massimo Introvigne, 02.28.2011,
5) Lezioni nordafricane di Pigi Colognesi, lunedì 28 febbraio 2011, da
6) PAPA/ Così anche anche la scienza dimostra che l'aborto uccide la famiglia, INT. Carlo Bellieni, lunedì 28 febbraio 2011, il
7) umbilical cord stem WITH NEW HOPE FOR DIABETES Paolo De Lillo *
8) The next Lent is on the road to Damascus - In his message for the forty days of preparation for Easter, Benedict XVI calls everyone to conversion and new life. As a new baptism. He writes instructions Sandro Magister
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Prince Original Graphite
Okay, now we're exaggerating
They've clean your mouth with soap for having blasphemed . Once the
would send to the pillory, at least, or directly at stake.
I understand that you may see an improvement in the long run, but in short it looks like you're going back ...
I would say that we're really exaggerating.
They've clean your mouth with soap for having blasphemed . Once the
would send to the pillory, at least, or directly at stake.
I understand that you may see an improvement in the long run, but in short it looks like you're going back ...
I would say that we're really exaggerating.
Conciertos De Pati Navida
Press by Giorgio Razeto
In today's press release:
1) LE PAROLE DEL PAPA ALLA RECITA DELL’ANGELUS, 27.02.2011 - Alle ore 12 di oggi il Santo Padre Benedetto XVI si affaccia alla finestra del suo studio nel Palazzo Apostolico Vaticano per recitare l’Angelus con i fedeli ed i pellegrini convenuti in Piazza San Pietro. Queste le parole del Papa nell’introdurre la preghiera mariana
2) A sorpresa Obama apre al "matrimonio" gay di Marco Respinti, 24-02-2011,
3) POLICY CAN NOT ACCEPT THE Archbishop of religious relativism. Giampaolo Crepaldi *
4) INDIA / Christian School on fire in Srinagar, suspected Islamic fundamentalists - Staff Writer - Thursday, February 24, 2011 - the subsidiary. net
5) THE JOURNAL / Allam: Libia, l’Italia rischia di essere invasa dagli integralisti – Redazione - giovedì 24 febbraio 2011 – il
6) LIBIA/ Mario Mauro: ecco cosa deve fare l'Europa per sopravvivere a Gheddafi di Mario Mauro, venerdì 25 febbraio 2011, il
7) IL CASO/ Il bimbo down e quegli studenti che "bocciano" i prof del politically correct di Monica Mondo, venerdì 25 febbraio 2011,
8) 25/02/2011 - CHINA - Chinese dissident arrested: he struggled against the law "only child" - Mao Hengfeng has been reported in a labor camp, three days after being released for medical reasons. Fought against the Chinese law requires that only one child per couple. It is not known where it was conducted.
9) A study by the Harvard AIDS - The Pope is right in EMMANUEL RIZZARDI (© L'Osservatore Romano - 26 February 2011)
10) ; Vatican Radio - Science and Ethics, news of 25.02.2011 - Archbishop Carrasco De Paula: world increasingly aggressive against human life
11) A Afghanistan in the Mediterranean - Two scenarios of the revolt in the Arab countries. That Egypt, with an unusual alliance between Christians and Muslims. And that of Libya, where the collapse of the state paves the way for radical Islamism. The analysis by Khaled Fouad Allam Sandro Magister
12) ; February 25, 2011 -, defense of life, the morning after pill, from NBC to conscientious objection of pharmacists
13) Islam, a "third way" or fundamentalist or secularist Massimo Introvigne, 26/02/2011, by
14) Quella mano leggera che sfiorò Edith Stein di Andrea Monda, 26-02-2011, da
15) nihilism, The 'restless guest "THAT is haunting Europe - for Cardinal Bagnasco, the root of the educational crisis is the" lack of confidence in life "
16 ) FOR JOHN PAUL II THE FIRST TASK OF A POPE AND PRAY - Talk of the postulator cause of beatification of Karol Wojtyla of Clare Santomiero
17), February 26, 2011 - to the Pontifical Academy for Life - The Pope says abortion is always a destructive
18), February 26, 2011, THE DEFENSE OF LIFE - Pharmacists: possible objection to the morning-after pill
19), February 26, 2011, THE GUEST - A correct interpretation end of life on the Ddl - With Dat can not impose anything - But some choices can not be delegated
20) ; THE DRAMA OF ABORTION IN THE WORDS OF THE POPE - On the true moral conscience of the human heart ROBERTO COLOMBO, events, February 27, 2011
21) ; Sunday, February 27, 2011 - The Pope realized that the "bank of life" there is a lot 'of selfishness. Doubts also by the scientific community Carlo Bellieni © Copyright The West, February 27, 2011
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Dremel Vs. Oster Dog Nail Kit
Press by Giorgio Razeto
In the press today:
1) ; Robert Bellarmine, a master of apologetics of Introvigne, 23.02.2011,
2) dies Bernard Nathanson, a champion of Mark's life Rejected, 23.02.2011,
3) 23/02/2011 - CHINA - Egypt and the fears of Beijing: a revolution in China is inevitable Wei Jingsheng
4) ; The healthy children of a sick society Giuliano Guzzo, from
5) The failure of sex education in England, France and Sweden, February 23, 2011, from
6) NEWS the Magisterium of Pope Leo XIII - The encyclical Rerum Novarum by RADIO MARIA - monthly column "The true history of the Church - Edited by Professor Angela Pellicciari - Who per ospite monsignor LUIGI NEGRI, vescovo di San Marino e Montefeltro - 21 febbraio 2011, un ringraziamento particolare all'amico Claudio Forti, che ha pazientemente trascritto per Riscossa Cristiana la trasmissione, da
7) Diamo voce a chi sceglie la vita di Andrea Tornielli, 24-02-2011, da
8) "Desidera morire soltanto who does not feel loved "by Raffaella Frullone, 02.24.2011,
9) The Lesson of the USA: DAT ineffective Scandroglio Thomas, 24/02/2011, by
10) ; Understanding the Arab Revolt of Roberto Fontolan, Thursday, February 24, 2011, the
11) ; SCHOOL / Dear scholars, that's who will win the match between the analysis and the "heart" of Feliciana Cicardi, Thursday, February 24, 2011, the
12) Il biotestamento in discussione al Parlamento: una serie di articoli, da
13), February 23, 2011 - THE FAMILY FOCUS - Obama: The law banning gay marriage is unconstitutional
14) Congress - The well-being? Skip to renewed ethic - the Pontifical University of Santa Croce in Rome two days of discussion on the thought bioethical Sgreccia: abortion, enormous crime "should strengthen the bond between man and his Creator" And the technique can not dictate the agenda of the conduct of Graziella Melina, events, February 24, 2011
15) If life becomes 'available' collapses the right - against traffic - to Claudio Sartea, events, February 24, 2011
16) ; 'Right to die' threat to those who are weaker - Luciano Eusebi arguments - In situations where it is now irrecoverable state of full health, there would be tremendous pressure towards the patient (and family) to take a step back, free society by the burden of some sick and disabled, Luciano Eusebi *, Future, February 24, 2011
17) heterologous fertilization, the doubts of the European Court - the fact - Yesterday at the hearing Strasbourg with a view to appeal ruling on Austrian law that limits the tube external donors with the effects on Italy's Pier Luigi Fornari, events, February 24, 2011
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
What Was Itching Like With Hogkins Lymphoma
Ecco perchè gli studenti italiani di medicina scelgono la Romania: in Italia corruzione e costi elevati
On Site 's interview to a student majoring in medicine
who chose the' university in Romania
instead of in Italy as many other Italian students.
Rome, Feb. 17 .-
Leaving graduates to return to 'doctors':
are more and more' the Italian students
enrolling in courses Medicine abroad.
The Romania and 'between the countries top the list
those candidates chosen by the white coats
of our country. Indeed, especially by aspiring dentists ,
since most of the young 'migrates'
to study dentistry.
Today it is estimated that about one thousand Italian guys
are studying in the faculties' of 'dentistry'
universities Romanians. In short, if you have
enough money to spend and the desire to learn a foreign language
such as Romania, the game and 'done:
after six years you can' have in my hands a title
be spent in Europe and therefore also to us.
Without going through the 'fork' of the quiz.
AV is the story, 22 year old Italian student
joined the faculty 'of dentistry
private Tito Maiorescu of the University of Bucharest
"In my university' most 'of the evidence that we input
evaluation tests are based on minimal knowledge.
no point in hiding 99.9% of students studying here,
in my opinion, I decided why 'disappointed' market test '
that there' in Italy . And do not tell me there are so
of criminal investigations to confirm this.
Just think of what 's happened in the past
the entrance test to Medicine in
Universita' di Bari, Catanzaro.
I do not like bribe an organ
State University to enter '.
As far as I know, also according to the stories of other students in some faculties
'of Medicine in Italy were paid
from 80 to 120 000 € to overcome test and enter .
be paid in 3 tranches of 40 000.
And sometimes you did not even certainty of succeeding.
More 'about a boy and'
been the victim of actual fraud .
"There are In fact, even the 'forgers inputs '
who take the money and you do not even pass the quiz.
My father told me bluntly:
'Avoid disappointment "'.
AV's goal, once obtained a degree, and
'to return to Italy . Also because', so '
like many other Italian boys who go abroad to study medicine
, AV and 'son of a doctor .
"My dad 'has a dental practice."
So, once back in Italy with a degree in
hand, will not be 'difficult to find work.
few obstacles to overcome and there is some evidence 'but',
also for those who decide to study in Romania.
"For those who want to enroll in my university 'and
' required to do a preparatory course in language
Romania organized by the University, which concludes with an examination
be incurred in the universe 'State Language and Literature.
At least 40% of boys will be rejected, and bye registration.
Although Romania and 'a romance language not at all difficult. "
If you stand it there are of course different costs to deal with.
Even if the costs are exaggerated.
" At the University 'Tito Maiorescu Bucharest the cost of the course, which lasts
6 years and provides for the compulsory attendance , and
' of € 3 000 per year.
Both of vacation homes that the cost of living
are not particularly high. "
It seems that's the reason that drives many young Italians in
you target Romania,
rather than Spain or universities in other countries where 'there is no private
' limit input in Medicine.
"At the moment, in my university 'we are a hundred
of Italian boys and 90% studying dentistry. But if by' you
a calculation on the entire country, I think we can estimate a figure
around a thousand young people. Although precise numbers and 'hard
have, because' the universities' are not in communication with each other.
Certainly the universities with the largest influx of Italian students are
in Oradea and Arad. "
"The advantage of studying here in Romania, 'which we here
are laws that allow students to practice
much more' of what is happening in Italy.
The practice is carried out in hospitals public. Also, after
the attainment of all the examinations of the third year, there
'chance' to take
a certificate that allows you to work at private studios,
as a dental assistant.
And that 's a nice advantage for us students. "
On' cause most of the children who go abroad
decided to study their dentistry, the chairman of Cao has no doubts:
" They want to become because all dentists' dentist be in the collective
equivalent to 'just work' and 'wealth'. The reasoning and ':
just get the title and you can' start to work. "
And for many, 'just so'.
'It is true. Most of the boys who graduate in Dentistry
abroad and' your son or daughter of a dentist
, complete with a study in which
ready to start working, "says Renzo. source. html
And for me, are well .
On Site 's interview to a student majoring in medicine
who chose the' university in Romania
instead of in Italy as many other Italian students.
Rome, Feb. 17 .-
Leaving graduates to return to 'doctors':
are more and more' the Italian students
enrolling in courses Medicine abroad.
The Romania and 'between the countries top the list
those candidates chosen by the white coats
of our country. Indeed, especially by aspiring dentists ,
since most of the young 'migrates'
to study dentistry.
Today it is estimated that about one thousand Italian guys
are studying in the faculties' of 'dentistry'
universities Romanians. In short, if you have
enough money to spend and the desire to learn a foreign language
such as Romania, the game and 'done:
after six years you can' have in my hands a title
be spent in Europe and therefore also to us.
Without going through the 'fork' of the quiz.
AV is the story, 22 year old Italian student
joined the faculty 'of dentistry
private Tito Maiorescu of the University of Bucharest
"In my university' most 'of the evidence that we input
evaluation tests are based on minimal knowledge.
no point in hiding 99.9% of students studying here,
in my opinion, I decided why 'disappointed' market test '
that there' in Italy . And do not tell me there are so
of criminal investigations to confirm this.
Just think of what 's happened in the past
the entrance test to Medicine in
Universita' di Bari, Catanzaro.
I do not like bribe an organ
State University to enter '.
As far as I know, also according to the stories of other students in some faculties
'of Medicine in Italy were paid
from 80 to 120 000 € to overcome test and enter .
be paid in 3 tranches of 40 000.
And sometimes you did not even certainty of succeeding.
More 'about a boy and'
been the victim of actual fraud .
"There are In fact, even the 'forgers inputs '
who take the money and you do not even pass the quiz.
My father told me bluntly:
'Avoid disappointment "'.
AV's goal, once obtained a degree, and
'to return to Italy . Also because', so '
like many other Italian boys who go abroad to study medicine
, AV and 'son of a doctor .
"My dad 'has a dental practice."
So, once back in Italy with a degree in
hand, will not be 'difficult to find work.
few obstacles to overcome and there is some evidence 'but',
also for those who decide to study in Romania.
"For those who want to enroll in my university 'and
' required to do a preparatory course in language
Romania organized by the University, which concludes with an examination
be incurred in the universe 'State Language and Literature.
At least 40% of boys will be rejected, and bye registration.
Although Romania and 'a romance language not at all difficult. "
If you stand it there are of course different costs to deal with.
Even if the costs are exaggerated.
" At the University 'Tito Maiorescu Bucharest the cost of the course, which lasts
6 years and provides for the compulsory attendance , and
' of € 3 000 per year.
Both of vacation homes that the cost of living
are not particularly high. "
It seems that's the reason that drives many young Italians in
you target Romania,
rather than Spain or universities in other countries where 'there is no private
' limit input in Medicine.
"At the moment, in my university 'we are a hundred
of Italian boys and 90% studying dentistry. But if by' you
a calculation on the entire country, I think we can estimate a figure
around a thousand young people. Although precise numbers and 'hard
have, because' the universities' are not in communication with each other.
Certainly the universities with the largest influx of Italian students are
in Oradea and Arad. "
"The advantage of studying here in Romania, 'which we here
are laws that allow students to practice
much more' of what is happening in Italy.
The practice is carried out in hospitals public. Also, after
the attainment of all the examinations of the third year, there
'chance' to take
a certificate that allows you to work at private studios,
as a dental assistant.
And that 's a nice advantage for us students. "
On' cause most of the children who go abroad
decided to study their dentistry, the chairman of Cao has no doubts:
" They want to become because all dentists' dentist be in the collective
equivalent to 'just work' and 'wealth'. The reasoning and ':
just get the title and you can' start to work. "
And for many, 'just so'.
'It is true. Most of the boys who graduate in Dentistry
abroad and' your son or daughter of a dentist
, complete with a study in which
ready to start working, "says Renzo. source. html
And for me, are well .
Bulemia Congestive Heart Failure
Press to Edited by George Razeto
In today's press release:
1) ; catechesis of the Holy Father at St. Robert Bellarmine - 23 February 2011
2) Europe, here is the new face of anti-Christian Marco Rejected, 02/22/2011, by
3) Lent living memory of our baptism of Introvigne, 02/22/2011, by /
4) Saviano and the reasons for a law of Andrea Tornielli, 02/22/2011, by http://www.labussolaquotidiana . it
5) Saviano e le ragioni di una legge di Andrea Tornielli, 22-02-2011, da
6) Sbarchi, accoglienza sì ma senza incentivi di Mauro Maurino*, 22-02-2011, da
7) SUI RISCHI LEGATI ALL'EUTANASIA, IL BELGIO FA SCUOLA - In un caso su tre la morte avviene senza richiesta o consenso del paziente di Paul De Maeyer, ROME, Tuesday, February 22, 2011 (
8) The phenomenon of the stigmata in Natuzza Evolo Don Marcello Stanzione, from
9) Something you begin to understand Massimo Viglione - 22/02/2011 - from
10) IN DEFENSE OF LIFE - A LETTER FROM MR. Olimpia Tarzia - from - \u200b\u200bAbstract: It is with great pleasure that we publish this letter received by Mr. Olimpia Tarzia, a policy has always been at the forefront of the defense of Life.
11) ; Emergency Preparedness Riccardo Cascioli, 02/23/2011, by
12) ; The flag of Education by Roberto Colombo, Wednesday, February 23, 2011, the
13) J'accuse / The three lies of Rodotà and "the party of euthanasia" by Alberto Gambino - Wednesday, February 23, 2011 - the
14) THE GRINTA / With the Coens back to the Westerns that Oscar wants to talk about justice for Luisa Maria Bellucci, Wednesday, February 23, 2011, the
15), February 23, 2011 - The strength of the beautiful and tragic events in North Africa - Freedom cry. What a wake up Our David Rondoni
16) The law on living wills is a spectacular own goal - 23/02/2011 - Euthanasia - Alessandro Gnocchi & Mario Palmaro from
17) "Free marijuana for medical purposes by Giuseppe Brienza, 23/02/2011, by
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Movie Quality Tripods
Vigili in auto possono multare chi parla al cellulare mentre guida
is valid, the penalty for using a mobile phone
headset without using the guide, even if the dispute
avviene mentre gli agenti della polizia municipale sono in auto e stanno guidando .
Lo afferma la Cassazione (sentenza 4219/11) accogliendo il ricorso del comune di Pontassieve contro una sentenza del Tribunale di Firenze che aveva annullato una multa.
Secondo il Tribunale la contravvenzione non era valida perchè « il punto di osservazione » dei vigili era « suscettibile di errore » in quanto loro erano alla guida di una vettura che procedeva « in senso contrario » rispetto all’auto multata. I vigili, insomma, potevano aver visto male .
La Cassazione, invece, ha confermato la multa anche alla luce di una sentenza recente delle Sezioni Unite che dà «fede privilegiata» a
« tutto quanto il pubblico ufficiale affermi avvenuto in sua presenza, con la conseguenza che anche nelle ipotesi in cui, come nella specie, si deducano sviste o altri involontari errori o omissioni percettive da parte del verbalizzante, è necessario proporre querela di falso ».

is valid, the penalty for using a mobile phone
headset without using the guide, even if the dispute
avviene mentre gli agenti della polizia municipale sono in auto e stanno guidando .
Lo afferma la Cassazione (sentenza 4219/11) accogliendo il ricorso del comune di Pontassieve contro una sentenza del Tribunale di Firenze che aveva annullato una multa.
Secondo il Tribunale la contravvenzione non era valida perchè « il punto di osservazione » dei vigili era « suscettibile di errore » in quanto loro erano alla guida di una vettura che procedeva « in senso contrario » rispetto all’auto multata. I vigili, insomma, potevano aver visto male .
La Cassazione, invece, ha confermato la multa anche alla luce di una sentenza recente delle Sezioni Unite che dà «fede privilegiata» a
« tutto quanto il pubblico ufficiale affermi avvenuto in sua presenza, con la conseguenza che anche nelle ipotesi in cui, come nella specie, si deducano sviste o altri involontari errori o omissioni percettive da parte del verbalizzante, è necessario proporre querela di falso ».
Are Club Penguin Cards At King Soopers?
Press by Giorgio Razeto
In the press today:
1) Current Giussani George Chiosso, Tuesday, February 22, 2011, the
2) Anniversary Giussani, a charisma that continues to flourish, Giorgio Paolucci, events, February 22, 2011
3) "Now a summit of EU heads of government" by Riccardo Cascioli, 21 - 02-2011, by
4) The primacy of God in Times of Crisis by Massimo Introvigne, 21/02/2011, from
5) Ungaretti and the search for God - Through the door of the doubt - we publish excerpts from the first chapter of the book Questioning the faith. Applications for those who believe today (Torino, Lindau, 2011 pages 99, € 12) COCO LUCIO (© L'Osservatore Romano - 21 to 22 February 2011)
6) ; The woman who brought the legal abortion in the U.S. today is Catholic and pro-life champion - February 21, 2011, from
7) Mom says no to sex at school, goes to jail Mark Rejected, 02/22/2011, by
8) persecuted Christians, the EU is afraid to dare Marco Rejected, 21/02/2011, by
9), February 22, 2011 - Bitter and insensate polemiche sul fine vita - Il diritto più prezioso di Francesco D’Agostino
10) SCUOLA/ Rigotti: cari prof, non si insegna (e non si impara) nulla senza libertà di Eddo Rigotti, martedì 22 febbraio 2011, il
11) THE REPLICA / Binetti: the only "aggressive" is to protect life against Rodotà Paola Binetti, Tuesday, February 22, 2011
12) ; "Someone was a communist because Berlinguer was a good person ..." or not? Of Kurdakov - 22/02/2011 - the day the unit -
13) ; Where is Libya? By Press Release - 21/02/2011 - Africa - by
Monday, February 21, 2011
Lg Non-hd Channels Blurry
Non paghi il Canone Tv ? Il governo oggi può scoprire la tua evasione a tua insaputa.Ecco come
Due casi di due persone diverse ma
che in comune hanno due cose.
Entrambi have not paid the TV license
and both are subscribers to a pay TV .
How could they receive the letter
request payment of the fee Rai
if they have never claimed to have a television?
was a question I had asked, but now
after about half a second I found the answer:
happens to their accounts with Mediaset Premium. The Pay TV
of the Prime Minister today
is charging the government.
Reasoning of Government:
customer Mediaset Premium you have a subscription, then
means that you have a TV . I
check if your name is in the list of citizens who are charged
regularly Canon Rai.
Your name is not there, and here you
sending the letter to invite you to pay.
Obviously the 'contract holder
Mediaset Premium is not told is the' owner of the Canon
TV, but the 'sending of the letter does not cost anything
(yes we pay some people!) And then
warn the customer that The government knows
his escape could put on alert
and perhaps persuade him to declare to have a television. Who does not
has never paid this tax
should be careful because as there are controls
( just and luckily there are o) on false
invalids, on tax evaders ( first peck
billionaire who has escaped from custody taxes - Valentino Rossi
still has not paid her! ), so there are controls on
this absurd and idiotic charge of the State.
explains how a person who sees the TV for 30 years, receives
just a few years after he subscribed to the letter of the Mediaset
payment of the fee Rai.
is the advantage of combining the charge to the Government
with the 'most powerful company in the television market.
It must be said that this time the premier
has used all his cunning .
Article by Daniele Lapenna

Due casi di due persone diverse ma
che in comune hanno due cose.
Entrambi have not paid the TV license
and both are subscribers to a pay TV .
How could they receive the letter
request payment of the fee Rai
if they have never claimed to have a television?
was a question I had asked, but now
after about half a second I found the answer:
happens to their accounts with Mediaset Premium. The Pay TV
of the Prime Minister today
is charging the government.
Reasoning of Government:
customer Mediaset Premium you have a subscription, then
means that you have a TV . I
check if your name is in the list of citizens who are charged
regularly Canon Rai.
Your name is not there, and here you
sending the letter to invite you to pay.
Obviously the 'contract holder
Mediaset Premium is not told is the' owner of the Canon
TV, but the 'sending of the letter does not cost anything
(yes we pay some people!) And then
warn the customer that The government knows
his escape could put on alert
and perhaps persuade him to declare to have a television. Who does not
has never paid this tax
should be careful because as there are controls
( just and luckily there are o) on false
invalids, on tax evaders ( first peck
billionaire who has escaped from custody taxes - Valentino Rossi
still has not paid her! ), so there are controls on
this absurd and idiotic charge of the State.
explains how a person who sees the TV for 30 years, receives
just a few years after he subscribed to the letter of the Mediaset
payment of the fee Rai.
is the advantage of combining the charge to the Government
with the 'most powerful company in the television market.
It must be said that this time the premier
has used all his cunning .
Article by Daniele Lapenna
Backyard Weddings Decorations
Press by Giorgio Razeto
In today's press release:
1) Sunday, February 20, 2011 - Even if you suffer from injustice, to avoid revenge and hatred that the Pope's Angelus (Vatican Radio) - Even if you suffer from injustice, to avoid revenge and hatred that the Pope's Angelus
2) One Andrea Tornielli of the world's gaze, 21/02/2011, by
3) HOMOSEXUAL : same-sex marriage in the world - Items CR - Homosexuality - CR n.1179 of 19/2/2011, from
4) 19/02/2011 - PAKISTAN - Punjab: Sherry Rehman will not be prosecuted for blasphemy of Jibran Khan
5) PREGNANCY / Women in menopause lends the uterus to the daughter, mother or grandmother? - Staff Writer - Saturday, February 19, 2011 - the
6) umbilical cord stem Neurology and Paul De Lillo * - ROME, February 20, 2011 (
7) The Stranger - Anthony Socci's blog - but we wanted a comedian to make us feel a people? - Anthony Socci - From Free, February 19, 2011
8) Humanae Vitae, "a sign of contradiction" EVEN IN THE CHURCH - believers and non- Comparison on the "prophetic spirit" of this encyclical Sergio Mora - ROME, Sunday, February 20, 2011 (
9) us spread culture of life (R. Cascioli - P. Marchionni - "The thousand year old oak) - Author: Mazza, Loredana Curator: Leonardi, Enrico - Source: - \u200b\u200bSunday, February 20, 2011
10) The false morality of the Puritans of Fiji Colognesi, Monday, February 21, 2011, the
11), February 19, 2011 - Eighty - Ruini: "My faith, respectful but firm in truth" by Marina Corradi
12) LETTER / The moralists of today are those libertines who yesterday ruined our children? Carlo Bellieni - Monday, February 21, 2011 - the
13) THE BATTLE FOR LIFE / 1 - A family on loan for those who can not make it - DANIELA POZZOLI, events, February 21 2011
14) Horror live on Swiss television by Federico Luzzi MAURI from Lugano - Future, February 20, 2011
15) ENGLAND - Permit to accompany the end - from London
16) ;, February 20, 2011, TO DEFEND THE LIFE, the new foster care: families on loan for mother and baby Daniela Pozzoli
17), February 20, 2011, The battle for life - a family loan for those who can not make it to Daniela Pozzoli
Saturday, February 19, 2011
How Much Does It Cost To Laser Capillaries
Press by Giorgio Razeto
In the press today:
1) 18/02/2011 - INDIA-Fast and sit-in against the bishops and faithful a false report on violence in Karnataka by Nirmala Carvalho
2) For 's budget "Humanae vitae" forty years later - progress and destiny in the vision of Pope Paul VI, Hermann GEISSLER (© L'Osservatore Romano - 19 February 2011)
3) The true religious freedom and who threatens it. The intervention of Introvigne in Belgrade - published by Introvigne - Threats to religious freedom in the twenty-first century
4) As Saint Peter went into Cattedran Roger Sangalli, 19/02/2011, by
5) The twenty-first century, already promises tragic Introvigne, 19.02.2011,
6) MONS. Betori: TO DO SCHOOL, MUST BE THE "PASSION FOR MEN" - Speech at the national convention CdO Educational Works
7) Anthony Hopkins: «essere atei è come vivere in una cella senza finestre», 17 febbraio, 2011, da
8) Sull’aborto Madrid «sfida» Zapatero - Spagna - Il Parlamento regionale creerà una rete per sostenere le donne incinte in difficoltà. Previsti aiuti economici e agevolazioni - DA MADRID MICHELA CORICELLI – 19 febbraio 2011
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