VagonItalia News: obliteration you do the biting.
of Intense Moments
One bite, dry and firm.'s already tomorrow as we validate the train ticket. The only caveat expected to remain the signs of a notched cardboard.
The ticket may not be used by more people because the controller is make sure to remove the grip matrix. For those who do not have teeth, they will receive at home with a machine trowel to press a button. The old machine, make sure the person responsible for waste will be reused as containers for the fridge.
Friday, November 14, 2008
White Chunky Discharge Fungal Infection
The first case after the law to 6ud Marsione.
of Intense Moments
-You eat the rabbit stew!
No, not true
-You can see from my face. You're under arrest.
already implemented in the early hours of the morning, he sees the law must condemn those who kill and eat rabbits. After the entry into force of the law punishable see anyone make culinary use of some wildlife crime is now also assumed to be only a tasty rabbit
A Marsione, TT has been under house arrest around 5 am as he carried a deer walking. Stopped by Gendarme, Mr. T. was justified by saying that his face was exactly that. "I made this!" was justified TT "I do not buy!" thundered the policeman impassively, who handcuffed the alleged wolverine and the police headquarters.
from politicians to citizens all satisfied that the law will once again eat the good of salads and vegetarian spa Bramble

of Intense Moments
-You eat the rabbit stew!
No, not true
-You can see from my face. You're under arrest.
already implemented in the early hours of the morning, he sees the law must condemn those who kill and eat rabbits. After the entry into force of the law punishable see anyone make culinary use of some wildlife crime is now also assumed to be only a tasty rabbit
A Marsione, TT has been under house arrest around 5 am as he carried a deer walking. Stopped by Gendarme, Mr. T. was justified by saying that his face was exactly that. "I made this!" was justified TT "I do not buy!" thundered the policeman impassively, who handcuffed the alleged wolverine and the police headquarters.
from politicians to citizens all satisfied that the law will once again eat the good of salads and vegetarian spa Bramble
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Sport Car 2010 Beautiful Sticker
Late, a country "rampant"
(reading time: 55 seconds)
by Intense Moments
Late Bordiello in this beautiful country, people do not walk, but stumble. That's right: they stumble, tumble, and slide it sdrumano. Place in the top of the hill Val'Morso, the country is built down to 80%, whose streets cakes, disjointed, rough, make it difficult path to Tardonesi. The houses have sloping floors and furniture nailed. At the foot of this fortress in 1100 stands a huge crane, and once the people are "slip" down the country, the crane is used as an overhanging lift the country from above.
regularly, on time, every 10 minutes you enable the inhabitants to return to the top of Late. A country's avant-garde?, Well no! But traditionalists are. In fact, the crane, symbolizing the ancient catapult, used by their ancestors to be catapulted to the top of the country.
These people, however, is accustomed to fast dialogue, fast-action quasi-programmed This is because people, tumbling, sliding and falling, continues to make a normal life.
We have witnessed a scene of daily life. Slung on a pole I started to wait.
At one point, while clutching a grocery store a lot of shopping outside the store, came a high-speed guy. His name, Carozzi. While swearing by capate on the walls and asphalt, has launched the money, taking in the face of the fruit, but taking the envelope on the fly. Continuando a ruzzolare e cercando di rallentare:
- Scusiii!!, una domandaaa! Come si vive a Tarda?
- VAAAAFFFAANculoooooo!
Grande senso dell'umorismo, hanno questi Tardonesi.

(reading time: 55 seconds)
by Intense Moments
Late Bordiello in this beautiful country, people do not walk, but stumble. That's right: they stumble, tumble, and slide it sdrumano. Place in the top of the hill Val'Morso, the country is built down to 80%, whose streets cakes, disjointed, rough, make it difficult path to Tardonesi. The houses have sloping floors and furniture nailed. At the foot of this fortress in 1100 stands a huge crane, and once the people are "slip" down the country, the crane is used as an overhanging lift the country from above.
regularly, on time, every 10 minutes you enable the inhabitants to return to the top of Late. A country's avant-garde?, Well no! But traditionalists are. In fact, the crane, symbolizing the ancient catapult, used by their ancestors to be catapulted to the top of the country.
These people, however, is accustomed to fast dialogue, fast-action quasi-programmed This is because people, tumbling, sliding and falling, continues to make a normal life.
We have witnessed a scene of daily life. Slung on a pole I started to wait.
At one point, while clutching a grocery store a lot of shopping outside the store, came a high-speed guy. His name, Carozzi. While swearing by capate on the walls and asphalt, has launched the money, taking in the face of the fruit, but taking the envelope on the fly. Continuando a ruzzolare e cercando di rallentare:
- Scusiii!!, una domandaaa! Come si vive a Tarda?
- VAAAAFFFAANculoooooo!
Grande senso dell'umorismo, hanno questi Tardonesi.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Hot Tv Israel Failure
The message of the FCCP is authentic. Against
Comunicato dei SSS, Servizi Segreti Segreti:
"Dalle analisi effettuate sul materiale inviato dal FCCP, confrmiamo la gravità dell'atto e la veridicità delle affermazioni inserite nel suddetto documento. Il FCCP entra a tutti gli effetti tra i nuovi soggetti di alta pericolosità sociale attivi nel nostro ecosistema. Le minacce al cagnolino del sig. Tisconini sono da considerare di realistica attuazione. Stiamo lavorando sull'immagine allegata al messaggio: quell'uomo sanguinante bendato non ci convince, potrebbe nascondere preziosi elementi per le indagini"
Qui il resto del post
Comunicato dei SSS, Servizi Segreti Segreti:
"Dalle analisi effettuate sul materiale inviato dal FCCP, confrmiamo la gravità dell'atto e la veridicità delle affermazioni inserite nel suddetto documento. Il FCCP entra a tutti gli effetti tra i nuovi soggetti di alta pericolosità sociale attivi nel nostro ecosistema. Le minacce al cagnolino del sig. Tisconini sono da considerare di realistica attuazione. Stiamo lavorando sull'immagine allegata al messaggio: quell'uomo sanguinante bendato non ci convince, potrebbe nascondere preziosi elementi per le indagini"
Qui il resto del post
Beach Buggy Blueprint
Tisconini, in drafting a message of FCCP. The Onion

Alla nostra redazione dislocata in Franconia, esattamente nella sede di Tres-Gozzan-avec-la-Chiass, è giunto questo comunicato firmato FCCP, Fronte Combattente Cipolla Proletaria , gruppo ancora sconosciuto alle forze dell'ordine ma su cui le stesse stanno già indagando per valutarne la veridicità. Di seguito riportiamo il testo del FCCP.
" Chi tocca The Onion ... crying! We address the popular appeal to the whole proletariat onion, in all fronts and the front of battle comrades (not naval): via hands italocanadiane by The Onion! The people do not want Leo D. Tisconini, the people want a committee to limit a soviet, or a worker, better engineering, but there is fine or hardrockmeccanico grungemeccanico or indiemeccanico ... The fuses (or fuse) is reduced, the powder swells, the balls are spinning, we do not have matches, we will find them, down with the bourgeoisie agliosa, wi vietcingcong onion, w cuba cuba and all the dancers, down banks, schools wi (of school, no fog), redistribute income, lower the GDP, cut the GDP (in short, shave), fists and a few saws, the state is us, who was not us, we were, we were, one thousand were a state, we the rest of us, the people, face, and the fighter sudiamericana onion, as well Zappaterra visitors? coltraterro, perhaps? and he that soweth then? us, we in the FCCP! Tisconini go to your dog and the evil eye, may soon fall into our hands (fists always ...)"
Here the rest of the post
Here the rest of the post
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Emo Guys In Underwear
for sale? Racism as a tit
Name: Leo D. Tisconini (pictured). It is he who in a recent interview with the weekly "The buyers," said to be concerned
de Lacipolla purchase. The Italian-Canadian tycoon seems ready to launch a bid, he says, very consistent. Currently there is no further news. Here it is worth recalling that would Tisconini intention to enter politics and the concern of writing comes from the probable misuse that could derive from this space of free content.
Name: Leo D. Tisconini (pictured). It is he who in a recent interview with the weekly "The buyers," said to be concerned
de Lacipolla purchase. The Italian-Canadian tycoon seems ready to launch a bid, he says, very consistent. Currently there is no further news. Here it is worth recalling that would Tisconini intention to enter politics and the concern of writing comes from the probable misuse that could derive from this space of free content.
Friday, October 3, 2008
Eagle Sport Metal Cores America

City Sberlengo between Valderozzi squandered and Spa. We are not here to deal with the truth or otherwise of the famous legend of the Marquis and Duke Sberlengo Hof Fungen skilled trainer of spider monkeys, but to uncover a terrible racist incidents took place just on the streets of what was once glorious, duchy.
rush hour traffic to the street where it intersects the Great Tit State Niquolano if they hear of all colors.
The state in fact fits a certain arrogance and lack of reporting on a quiet street of bars and shops in the hand opposite the fortified walls of the small town where children often play to pull the water balloon ignoring the danger to which they are exposed.
If they hear of all colors because it is true now for the old men of the country has become a favorite pastime: with their beers and playing cards canasta lurking on the sidewalk from the intersection with both a table, chairs and megaphone to rant and rant against all motorists passing through Sberlengo at a speed in excess of thirty per hour that actually means to them the speed of sound. The old men of
Sberlengo have formed an association called SS (Sberlengo Safeguards) and even organize real chants against motorists although usually limited to offend them shouting into the megaphone "drive like a dog" and worst case scenario "dickhead" ... and never, repeat never would have thought of having to mix the two offenses together against the same victim if it was not that terrible Lavinta that Ernesto was late last Friday to pick up the sweet birthday his wife Luigina Lagatta.Ernesto regardless of the SS Great Tit crossed via a 40 Km / h arousing the wrath of old men who first started with their classic offense looking better but then got frightened at the sight of that because of Ernesto accident five years ago was forced to transplant the whole head and a series of unfortunate events, the complicity of the urgency of the operation, the only compatible head was traced to the head of his faithful German shepherd Ruter.
Sberlengo The SS began to rant against the hapless motorist shouting "head dog" and then driven by hatred for diversity, are skipped over their vintage bikes and chased, forced to stop and reached the poor Ernesto. What has followed is the most terrible imaginable: they forced the victim to the sound of lashes to get on all fours and to carry forward with the prosthetic arm of one of the SS and then he went around with Sberlengo the poor Ernesto tied with a collar, got drunk and had urinated in the village square on all fours and clearly Ernesto has caused a pull up.
Ernesto was found in front of a bowl of kibble and in a panic the next day in the doghouse of Mr. Frotte alveolus (President of the SS Sberlengo).
After the initial treatment responded well to the questions of investigators:
rush hour traffic to the street where it intersects the Great Tit State Niquolano if they hear of all colors.
The state in fact fits a certain arrogance and lack of reporting on a quiet street of bars and shops in the hand opposite the fortified walls of the small town where children often play to pull the water balloon ignoring the danger to which they are exposed.
If they hear of all colors because it is true now for the old men of the country has become a favorite pastime: with their beers and playing cards canasta lurking on the sidewalk from the intersection with both a table, chairs and megaphone to rant and rant against all motorists passing through Sberlengo at a speed in excess of thirty per hour that actually means to them the speed of sound. The old men of
Sberlengo have formed an association called SS (Sberlengo Safeguards) and even organize real chants against motorists although usually limited to offend them shouting into the megaphone "drive like a dog" and worst case scenario "dickhead" ... and never, repeat never would have thought of having to mix the two offenses together against the same victim if it was not that terrible Lavinta that Ernesto was late last Friday to pick up the sweet birthday his wife Luigina Lagatta.Ernesto regardless of the SS Great Tit crossed via a 40 Km / h arousing the wrath of old men who first started with their classic offense looking better but then got frightened at the sight of that because of Ernesto accident five years ago was forced to transplant the whole head and a series of unfortunate events, the complicity of the urgency of the operation, the only compatible head was traced to the head of his faithful German shepherd Ruter.
Sberlengo The SS began to rant against the hapless motorist shouting "head dog" and then driven by hatred for diversity, are skipped over their vintage bikes and chased, forced to stop and reached the poor Ernesto. What has followed is the most terrible imaginable: they forced the victim to the sound of lashes to get on all fours and to carry forward with the prosthetic arm of one of the SS and then he went around with Sberlengo the poor Ernesto tied with a collar, got drunk and had urinated in the village square on all fours and clearly Ernesto has caused a pull up.
Ernesto was found in front of a bowl of kibble and in a panic the next day in the doghouse of Mr. Frotte alveolus (President of the SS Sberlengo).
After the initial treatment responded well to the questions of investigators:
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
How Long For It To Work Zeldox
Young drug addicts and unconscious, soon released Manggiossi
(reading time 40 seconds)
Manggiossi Cash, the prophet of the two surnames, was arrested yesterday morning as she held one of his life lessons to Porrina. The famous traveler and soul of the countries has been found with some of his students near a rice field. The four boys aged between 16 and 21 years, and two girls aged 21 and 20 years were all found naked and unconscious.
Manggiossi was intent to break the Australian Acorns and babbling of an episode in capitatogli Mudululululu in Lulonia. '.. At one point mentre il Dio del Rock dagli occhi vitrei, mi diceva: “Manggiossi , Tu devi correre a Fantasia, velocissimo Tu devi andare, perché lì io ho lasciato il violino che gli angeli della notte vogliono suonarlo…Un Dio dislessico, pensai..» Interrotto dall’arrivo dei Gendarmi, Manggiossi ha chiesto se poteva sciogliere insieme alle ghiande australiane, i gradi che il maresciallo teneva ben appuntati sul petto.
Uno dei ragazzi drogati e completamente nudo, alla sollecitazione di un nostro collega ha faticosamente sussurrato. “ Non ne posso più, ditegli di rullare quella canna e passalla. Sono sei ore che s’aspetta”. Alla nostra domanda, come mai fossero nudi, dove fossero finiti i vestiti. Il ragazzo which has the answer that the teacher set them loose against drugs in Australia. According to the teacher, adulterated drugs can get better in touch with participants. However, Manggiossi will soon be released. Indeed, the young people said that did not know him and did not even know who he was. Another story for all Manggiossi to tell?
Photo: Mangiossi stadium before the derby Camporognone - Rognonese.

(reading time 40 seconds)
Manggiossi Cash, the prophet of the two surnames, was arrested yesterday morning as she held one of his life lessons to Porrina. The famous traveler and soul of the countries has been found with some of his students near a rice field. The four boys aged between 16 and 21 years, and two girls aged 21 and 20 years were all found naked and unconscious.
Manggiossi was intent to break the Australian Acorns and babbling of an episode in capitatogli Mudululululu in Lulonia. '.. At one point mentre il Dio del Rock dagli occhi vitrei, mi diceva: “Manggiossi , Tu devi correre a Fantasia, velocissimo Tu devi andare, perché lì io ho lasciato il violino che gli angeli della notte vogliono suonarlo…Un Dio dislessico, pensai..» Interrotto dall’arrivo dei Gendarmi, Manggiossi ha chiesto se poteva sciogliere insieme alle ghiande australiane, i gradi che il maresciallo teneva ben appuntati sul petto.
Uno dei ragazzi drogati e completamente nudo, alla sollecitazione di un nostro collega ha faticosamente sussurrato. “ Non ne posso più, ditegli di rullare quella canna e passalla. Sono sei ore che s’aspetta”. Alla nostra domanda, come mai fossero nudi, dove fossero finiti i vestiti. Il ragazzo which has the answer that the teacher set them loose against drugs in Australia. According to the teacher, adulterated drugs can get better in touch with participants. However, Manggiossi will soon be released. Indeed, the young people said that did not know him and did not even know who he was. Another story for all Manggiossi to tell?
Photo: Mangiossi stadium before the derby Camporognone - Rognonese.
How Can I Get Morganite
The prosthesis was an heirloom in trouble artiglianese
"Stop, police! Favors the wooden leg. " He must have heard something Amill Specciolini, artiglianese choreographer of 62 years, yesterday afternoon, when the police broke into his home.
Specciolini The right leg is free from the age of 43 years. The last time I changed the implants, about ten days ago, did not know that the limb wood bought on site specializing was the baseball bat with which the ace-origne calappese Freddy Tragaglione had beaten in 1974 's Still unbeaten record for home runs in Gremo League. A month ago, the relic was to be auctioned at Stombolin's, where he achieved some record-breaking prices. Shortly before the start of the bat had mysteriously disappeared. Accurate investigations of the police, thanks a satellite chip applied to the article, have identified the ill-gotten gains. It remains a mystery how the club has ever happened to claw Terme. Perhaps those who stole it has disguised as a wooden leg to give less attention, but just do not understand how it can be sold over the Internet. The Specciolini now without implants, confined to a chair and unable to play his beloved work as a choreographer, has been placed under investigation, "a must for the" say the investigators, "After the injury, insult," he says and adds: "Who pays for me now the wooden leg?".
Robert Verza
"Stop, police! Favors the wooden leg. " He must have heard something Amill Specciolini, artiglianese choreographer of 62 years, yesterday afternoon, when the police broke into his home.
Specciolini The right leg is free from the age of 43 years. The last time I changed the implants, about ten days ago, did not know that the limb wood bought on site specializing was the baseball bat with which the ace-origne calappese Freddy Tragaglione had beaten in 1974 's Still unbeaten record for home runs in Gremo League. A month ago, the relic was to be auctioned at Stombolin's, where he achieved some record-breaking prices. Shortly before the start of the bat had mysteriously disappeared. Accurate investigations of the police, thanks a satellite chip applied to the article, have identified the ill-gotten gains. It remains a mystery how the club has ever happened to claw Terme. Perhaps those who stole it has disguised as a wooden leg to give less attention, but just do not understand how it can be sold over the Internet. The Specciolini now without implants, confined to a chair and unable to play his beloved work as a choreographer, has been placed under investigation, "a must for the" say the investigators, "After the injury, insult," he says and adds: "Who pays for me now the wooden leg?".
Robert Verza
Monday, September 29, 2008
Radiators Steam Small
trips leading to Manggiossi Cash
Tornione A sea of \u200b\u200bDiamond Route: an experience that I will never forget
Taken from the dialogues of "Stories drugged," published by Furore Sanguigni . Stanna Barge (MA)
(3 minutes reading time and 50)
"the diamond sea Tornione treats over the years has always maintained a certain rigor that distinguishes it from other similar countries of the national territory. In fact, the street furniture is very nice and overall the air we breathe is calm, quiet and calm. A peace that does not communicate anxiety waiting something that can break suddenly. Here, nothing ever happens. None. No remarkable fact .. Never any surprises. In short, a peaceful country ever Qantar.
- "And his people?"
I Tornionesi, are "lying", clean and fresh faces, whose eyes communicate peace and serenity. Polite, friendly, polite and good manners, Tornionesi welcome tourists with big smiles and cordiality. Without being intrusive ask, are curious, but with the greatest kindness. Looking around you realize that no one runs, and never in a hurry. The people in this country work slowly and their cars do not make noise, make noise and even scooters shall disturb the peace that imposes itself here without even your knowledge. The windows of their houses are always open and the door ajar. The source that feeds the energy is only the sun. Everything around seems to conform and adapt to this community of people calm, relaxed, serene. Nature is in perfect harmony. Pigeons, for example, does not relieve themselves from the rooftops, filling the edges of the platform of their guano, but as light as butterflies fly away, immersed in the surrounding woods. The trees shed their leaves when the wind does not contribute to scatter in the streets, on the contrary, they slide down your trunk to store it and then push them gently toward the river and as cars on the tracks of a train, leaving in a row without getting lost. There is little rain, just to water the fields and invigorate the flowers. Most of the time of clear skies and clouds are white as the robe of the Madonna. However, the diamond sea Tornione Trafficking has a story to tell.
I'm sorry to disappoint you, because no news is ever leaked here. Here, the newspapers do not exist. In this village everyone is equal and have the same importance. You never know what happens. But probably nothing, but things more normal and more common. A country "so" if you will, but whose citizens do not favor the legal proceedings. But coming to the point, I have lived here a 'hands forget that experience. I visited this country fifteen years ago. There was a big red sun that dazzled. While sitting on the bench contemplating the end of an alley filled with the red of the sunset, surrounded by a country is depopulated at the hour of dinner, a child approached me and asked: "Why Tornione is not music?". I was shocked, I had not noticed, and did not know how to respond. Then I looked towards the closed shops and cobbled streets clear. So she ran towards the square, was poor but shimmering, the sun's rays reflected deeply on the ancient floor of the square. I repeated all the time, as ever in that country there was actually music. But above all I realized I had not all day .. Then got a sense distress, stopped with force and in a bad way, the only country that went from there, wondering. The Lord looked straight into my eyes, I said, "My dear, rock is dead, rock is dead" and fell silent. But then a tear digging a wrinkle on his face fell on the asphalt pavement, perhaps, the only "stain" the existing, throughout the village as ever immaculate. At that point I felt the pull on the jacket, and I saw that boy stretching his arm, he pointed his finger with a stereo dall'alone showed the tear: there, before us, the ground is a stereo erse quite large. The boy suggested that I turn up the volume. As I turned slowly the volume knob, I felt like a warm sound that was becoming increasingly strong, very strong, though I am I could not define it. Until it culminated in an agreement that guitar like a blast, let me throw back, and so began a roaring guitar solo. It was scratchy, ferruginous, distorted, dirty, a fast-paced, brilliant accent, many tied notes without a pause for reflection, sounds impulsive, unruly., A roar of notes that are banging against each other, rushing and then went up swallowing air and then released in a deep breath. Those notes were cries of joy, laughter, enjoyment of pain. Harmony was the balance. The solo was life. Oh My God! ecstasy. catharsis, liberation. I was screaming and squirming and I did not want to stop
It's been 15 years since that event and only now I'm back. I made a great figure of shit. It was the ambulance and nurses who quietly made me lie down in bed. I was surrounded by incredulous faces of people who had bothered to get out of their homes and in their lives that perhaps they had never expressed astonishment. Those facial expressions were like those of a child to whom you say that Santa Claus does not exist, although it was not even aware of its existence, in short, when that expression is not clear, but something inside you tears. The ambulance took me slowly
al Pronto Soccorso. Con prognosi di 5 giorni a causa di esaurimento emotivo, mi misero sul primo treno per Camporognone
Girò voce che un tossicomane in preda ad un attacco isterico spaccò uno stereo uccidendo un bambino e anziano signore dandogli fuoco. Fu l’unica notizia che trapelò in quel paese e forse l’ultima. Tra i tavoli della briscola, tra la gente negli uffici, tra i bambini a scuola, tutti parlarono di quel evento in maniera pacata, quasi sussurrata , ma mai senza giudicare e senza scomporsi, solo poche lacrime. Ogni tanto.
-“Ma eri stato te?”
-“Io non seppi mai la verità, perché a Tornione del Rombo Spagga Tratta se chiedi,ti rispondono che tutto è tranquillo e che non nothing ever happens "
-" What a flash! What a fucking cool, but it is a true story? What a crazy story intriguing lot. The rock ... .. Wow. Look, but I throw the barrel of the acorn that you almost done? .
- "Yeah I'm sorry" I stood up and walked towards the fading glow of the night.
for the next new stories taken from drug addicts. Your Globe trotter Manggiossi Cash

Taken from the dialogues of "Stories drugged," published by Furore Sanguigni . Stanna Barge (MA)
(3 minutes reading time and 50)
"the diamond sea Tornione treats over the years has always maintained a certain rigor that distinguishes it from other similar countries of the national territory. In fact, the street furniture is very nice and overall the air we breathe is calm, quiet and calm. A peace that does not communicate anxiety waiting something that can break suddenly. Here, nothing ever happens. None. No remarkable fact .. Never any surprises. In short, a peaceful country ever Qantar.
- "And his people?"
I Tornionesi, are "lying", clean and fresh faces, whose eyes communicate peace and serenity. Polite, friendly, polite and good manners, Tornionesi welcome tourists with big smiles and cordiality. Without being intrusive ask, are curious, but with the greatest kindness. Looking around you realize that no one runs, and never in a hurry. The people in this country work slowly and their cars do not make noise, make noise and even scooters shall disturb the peace that imposes itself here without even your knowledge. The windows of their houses are always open and the door ajar. The source that feeds the energy is only the sun. Everything around seems to conform and adapt to this community of people calm, relaxed, serene. Nature is in perfect harmony. Pigeons, for example, does not relieve themselves from the rooftops, filling the edges of the platform of their guano, but as light as butterflies fly away, immersed in the surrounding woods. The trees shed their leaves when the wind does not contribute to scatter in the streets, on the contrary, they slide down your trunk to store it and then push them gently toward the river and as cars on the tracks of a train, leaving in a row without getting lost. There is little rain, just to water the fields and invigorate the flowers. Most of the time of clear skies and clouds are white as the robe of the Madonna. However, the diamond sea Tornione Trafficking has a story to tell.
I'm sorry to disappoint you, because no news is ever leaked here. Here, the newspapers do not exist. In this village everyone is equal and have the same importance. You never know what happens. But probably nothing, but things more normal and more common. A country "so" if you will, but whose citizens do not favor the legal proceedings. But coming to the point, I have lived here a 'hands forget that experience. I visited this country fifteen years ago. There was a big red sun that dazzled. While sitting on the bench contemplating the end of an alley filled with the red of the sunset, surrounded by a country is depopulated at the hour of dinner, a child approached me and asked: "Why Tornione is not music?". I was shocked, I had not noticed, and did not know how to respond. Then I looked towards the closed shops and cobbled streets clear. So she ran towards the square, was poor but shimmering, the sun's rays reflected deeply on the ancient floor of the square. I repeated all the time, as ever in that country there was actually music. But above all I realized I had not all day .. Then got a sense distress, stopped with force and in a bad way, the only country that went from there, wondering. The Lord looked straight into my eyes, I said, "My dear, rock is dead, rock is dead" and fell silent. But then a tear digging a wrinkle on his face fell on the asphalt pavement, perhaps, the only "stain" the existing, throughout the village as ever immaculate. At that point I felt the pull on the jacket, and I saw that boy stretching his arm, he pointed his finger with a stereo dall'alone showed the tear: there, before us, the ground is a stereo erse quite large. The boy suggested that I turn up the volume. As I turned slowly the volume knob, I felt like a warm sound that was becoming increasingly strong, very strong, though I am I could not define it. Until it culminated in an agreement that guitar like a blast, let me throw back, and so began a roaring guitar solo. It was scratchy, ferruginous, distorted, dirty, a fast-paced, brilliant accent, many tied notes without a pause for reflection, sounds impulsive, unruly., A roar of notes that are banging against each other, rushing and then went up swallowing air and then released in a deep breath. Those notes were cries of joy, laughter, enjoyment of pain. Harmony was the balance. The solo was life. Oh My God! ecstasy. catharsis, liberation. I was screaming and squirming and I did not want to stop
It's been 15 years since that event and only now I'm back. I made a great figure of shit. It was the ambulance and nurses who quietly made me lie down in bed. I was surrounded by incredulous faces of people who had bothered to get out of their homes and in their lives that perhaps they had never expressed astonishment. Those facial expressions were like those of a child to whom you say that Santa Claus does not exist, although it was not even aware of its existence, in short, when that expression is not clear, but something inside you tears. The ambulance took me slowly
al Pronto Soccorso. Con prognosi di 5 giorni a causa di esaurimento emotivo, mi misero sul primo treno per Camporognone
Girò voce che un tossicomane in preda ad un attacco isterico spaccò uno stereo uccidendo un bambino e anziano signore dandogli fuoco. Fu l’unica notizia che trapelò in quel paese e forse l’ultima. Tra i tavoli della briscola, tra la gente negli uffici, tra i bambini a scuola, tutti parlarono di quel evento in maniera pacata, quasi sussurrata , ma mai senza giudicare e senza scomporsi, solo poche lacrime. Ogni tanto.
-“Ma eri stato te?”
-“Io non seppi mai la verità, perché a Tornione del Rombo Spagga Tratta se chiedi,ti rispondono che tutto è tranquillo e che non nothing ever happens "
-" What a flash! What a fucking cool, but it is a true story? What a crazy story intriguing lot. The rock ... .. Wow. Look, but I throw the barrel of the acorn that you almost done? .
- "Yeah I'm sorry" I stood up and walked towards the fading glow of the night.
for the next new stories taken from drug addicts. Your Globe trotter Manggiossi Cash
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Funny Sayings Turning 21
Artesian Spa in quarantine as "flourished nail syndrome" disrupts the Plain Secciarone
E 'since the plague that an entire city was no longer quarantined in our country, but those were other times really: a time when all the local priest it gave the witch hunt, a time when medicine spesso si sovrapponeva a rituali antichi gorgoglianti di magia e superstizione, tempi in cui si moriva per un'influenza. Oggi non è più la peste o la lebbra, il colera o la sciatica a fare paura ma la sindrome dell'unghia fiorita. Artesiano Terme, nota alla cronaca per i diverbi avuti in passato con i cugini di Camporognone, è stata completamente sigillata con una enorme semicupola in lattice per limitare il più possibile il divampare di una malattia sconosciuta fino ad ora: la sindrome mortale dell'unghia fiorita.

La malattia ha già mietuto 15 vittime fino ad ora e squadre di medici e scienziati stanno cercando di avanzare alcune ipotesi ma i tempi brevi e l'aumento dei contagi sta rendendo loro la vita molto difficile.
nail syndrome flowering occurs at the beginning with the nice little white flowers on the nails, then the nails (hands and feet) start to grow out of control but what is worse is starting to cause pain is not a classic sore nails, is a shooting pain and throbbing, something that does when the nails are removed.
syndrome causes such pain that sufferers can not resist more than a week, even under sedation, opiates or acids: the doctors have tried everything and have come to Artesian large quantities of various types of drugs groped hinder the outcome of the disease ... but nothing.
Artesian is now a country in a panic: the sick are not locked in the house to pray and take drugs while patients wander, without all the drugs possible, similar to the zombies of the worst horror movie, the streets of the city under a sky of latex. Even when fully doped
some of those infected can not bear the pain and inflicting death sticking stakes in the heart or getting tested to the edges of furniture.
The team of doctors from the first world order led by our fellow Giangiacomo Lasalunga reserves to grant an exclusive interview as soon as possible. Meanwhile
Camporognone was opened in a town festival that will last for fourteen consecutive weeks at samba rhythm and sweets to mascarpogno: among the activities to be emphasize the race (in our opinion a bad taste) of clay sculptures with nails.
by Werdes Bremen nail syndrome flowering occurs at the beginning with the nice little white flowers on the nails, then the nails (hands and feet) start to grow out of control but what is worse is starting to cause pain is not a classic sore nails, is a shooting pain and throbbing, something that does when the nails are removed.
syndrome causes such pain that sufferers can not resist more than a week, even under sedation, opiates or acids: the doctors have tried everything and have come to Artesian large quantities of various types of drugs groped hinder the outcome of the disease ... but nothing.
Artesian is now a country in a panic: the sick are not locked in the house to pray and take drugs while patients wander, without all the drugs possible, similar to the zombies of the worst horror movie, the streets of the city under a sky of latex. Even when fully doped
some of those infected can not bear the pain and inflicting death sticking stakes in the heart or getting tested to the edges of furniture.
The team of doctors from the first world order led by our fellow Giangiacomo Lasalunga reserves to grant an exclusive interview as soon as possible. Meanwhile
Camporognone was opened in a town festival that will last for fourteen consecutive weeks at samba rhythm and sweets to mascarpogno: among the activities to be emphasize the race (in our opinion a bad taste) of clay sculptures with nails.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Where To Hide A Sanitary Pad In School
Drilly, the reptile caregivers!

by Enzio Biagio
seems incredible and indeed it is, the McKewuoi tired of changing every week to the carer old grandfather who lives with him, he made a drastic decision and bizarre breaks my grandfather? no caregiver resists more than seven days? well, it takes a ... crocodile!
So he went from a professional trainer and has made the strange request: I buy a crocodile and let me diventare la miglior badante del mondo! La perplessità è scomparsa di fronte al mucchio di denaro messo sul tavolo. Così, in sei mesi, ecco che arriva a casa Drilly, il coccodrillo badante. Dicono di lui: è un po' severo, ma in fondo è sensibile, silenzioso di compagnia, e se dovesse morire ci facciamo le scarpe per tutta la famiglia! Si dice che sia già diventata una moda quella del coccodrillo badante, non resta che dire: Occhio nonnetti, fate i bravi!
So he went from a professional trainer and has made the strange request: I buy a crocodile and let me diventare la miglior badante del mondo! La perplessità è scomparsa di fronte al mucchio di denaro messo sul tavolo. Così, in sei mesi, ecco che arriva a casa Drilly, il coccodrillo badante. Dicono di lui: è un po' severo, ma in fondo è sensibile, silenzioso di compagnia, e se dovesse morire ci facciamo le scarpe per tutta la famiglia! Si dice che sia già diventata una moda quella del coccodrillo badante, non resta che dire: Occhio nonnetti, fate i bravi!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Kate Nash Mouthwash Sheets
The Mortadella
"Non non è un seminario, avanti, prendi un cucchiaio! Mescola, accendi il palato, abbiam voglia del mortadellato!". Ecco lo slogan di un nuovo
product that will conquer the market soon. The creators know them, are the renowned chef of the Birch Onorino Cohen and Pierre that together have established a company and launched the "mortadella". It is a cream mortadella, without dyes or chemical engineer, the two swear to mix it with milk, fruit or whatever. In short, a sort of milkshake, but with the mortadella to make a queen. Preparation is simple: just take a tablespoon of sausage and put it to blend with milk. Optionally you can add fruit, nuts or why not, even cheese. The cream comes in a pink glass jar but will soon be also available in a stick. Everyone is already looking mysterious ingredient, although the two chefs say that for a good sausage is so much passion. We are convinced, too!

"Non non è un seminario, avanti, prendi un cucchiaio! Mescola, accendi il palato, abbiam voglia del mortadellato!". Ecco lo slogan di un nuovo
product that will conquer the market soon. The creators know them, are the renowned chef of the Birch Onorino Cohen and Pierre that together have established a company and launched the "mortadella". It is a cream mortadella, without dyes or chemical engineer, the two swear to mix it with milk, fruit or whatever. In short, a sort of milkshake, but with the mortadella to make a queen. Preparation is simple: just take a tablespoon of sausage and put it to blend with milk. Optionally you can add fruit, nuts or why not, even cheese. The cream comes in a pink glass jar but will soon be also available in a stick. Everyone is already looking mysterious ingredient, although the two chefs say that for a good sausage is so much passion. We are convinced, too!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Fotos Trasvesti En Cueras
"Dad, I'm your father," family drama
by Hydro Montagnella
hold hands crossing the street, are reaching the little park where there is a swing and slide, his favorite. But the favorite of those? The child or the adult accompanying? Or is the child to accompany the great? Yes, because CG and IL have discovered a glaring truth that has changed their lives. "Dad, I'm your father."
Little CG discovered after simple analysis done at school that had 73 years and what he believed essere suo padre in verità era suo figlio e quella che credeva essere sua madre era in verità sua moglie che lo teneva da cinquanta anni lontanto dalla verità. Dopo una caduta di bicicletta C.G. aveva battuto la testa e aveva perso la memoria in più ha iniziato a regredire nel fisico fino ad assestarsi in un corpo dell'età di 12 anni circa. Probabilmente le cure sperimentali lo hanno in parte salvato dal tornare addirittura embrione. Ma il dramma è che ha una memoria che dura 12 ore e poi si resetta, forse una reazione a quelle cure speriementali. Così il tempo di scoprire la verità, incrociare la mamma moglie con lo sguardo malinconico, prendere per mano il padre figlio e dirgli tutto. Una passeggiata lungo mare e poi lo shock di nuovo e la memory reset. "Dad, I'm your father," Dad was your father, mother you were my wife, I have brothers? Who am I? Dad? Mom? I'm afraid of the dark, I'm afraid.

by Hydro Montagnella
hold hands crossing the street, are reaching the little park where there is a swing and slide, his favorite. But the favorite of those? The child or the adult accompanying? Or is the child to accompany the great? Yes, because CG and IL have discovered a glaring truth that has changed their lives. "Dad, I'm your father."
Little CG discovered after simple analysis done at school that had 73 years and what he believed essere suo padre in verità era suo figlio e quella che credeva essere sua madre era in verità sua moglie che lo teneva da cinquanta anni lontanto dalla verità. Dopo una caduta di bicicletta C.G. aveva battuto la testa e aveva perso la memoria in più ha iniziato a regredire nel fisico fino ad assestarsi in un corpo dell'età di 12 anni circa. Probabilmente le cure sperimentali lo hanno in parte salvato dal tornare addirittura embrione. Ma il dramma è che ha una memoria che dura 12 ore e poi si resetta, forse una reazione a quelle cure speriementali. Così il tempo di scoprire la verità, incrociare la mamma moglie con lo sguardo malinconico, prendere per mano il padre figlio e dirgli tutto. Una passeggiata lungo mare e poi lo shock di nuovo e la memory reset. "Dad, I'm your father," Dad was your father, mother you were my wife, I have brothers? Who am I? Dad? Mom? I'm afraid of the dark, I'm afraid.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Deer Summer Sausage In The Refridgerator
Wellness: man, energy and Klus

by Master Alimansusisy
"Man", "energy" and special characters are already widely discussed by distinguished colleagues, but the power of Klus 's epiphany that I humbly but with the splendor of a sunrise floridiscentemente pink and gold. The Klus but remains dormant in us the seriousness of everyday life, from the puffed rice every morning, the roast pig every two days, is Klus love and death, is joy and pain, heat and freddolino, but most of all is the Klus Klus. If you're stressed, if you're too happy, if you're too sad, if you're too depressed if you are too ... pull out the Klus, it's easy! Embraces a Siberian Tiger!
Look out blindfolded and with a handful of needles in his hands and fists clenched tight on a high rock cliff or better, breathe, breathe, and then shouted: Klus! Speed \u200b\u200band energy, as a tear, like a whip, but of love, a love powerful, luminous, versatile and beautifully syntagmatic radiolante the heart of all of us. Gentlemen, enough wrinkles, just dirt between the toes, It embraces a TIGRE spans a Siberian Tiger!
"Man", "energy" and special characters are already widely discussed by distinguished colleagues, but the power of Klus 's epiphany that I humbly but with the splendor of a sunrise floridiscentemente pink and gold. The Klus but remains dormant in us the seriousness of everyday life, from the puffed rice every morning, the roast pig every two days, is Klus love and death, is joy and pain, heat and freddolino, but most of all is the Klus Klus. If you're stressed, if you're too happy, if you're too sad, if you're too depressed if you are too ... pull out the Klus, it's easy! Embraces a Siberian Tiger!
Look out blindfolded and with a handful of needles in his hands and fists clenched tight on a high rock cliff or better, breathe, breathe, and then shouted: Klus! Speed \u200b\u200band energy, as a tear, like a whip, but of love, a love powerful, luminous, versatile and beautifully syntagmatic radiolante the heart of all of us. Gentlemen, enough wrinkles, just dirt between the toes, It embraces a TIGRE spans a Siberian Tiger!
Chili's Red Sauce And Tostada Chips Recipe
A Mantua San Bolso is fever Grand Prix
Thirteen years of research, four engineers involved, twenty-three miles of track, twelve dishes, eight loops. These are the numbers of fast track "slot" of electric cars in the world, the huge version of what all the kids had room dreaming of being in Formula One.
The first Grand Prix test is scheduled for tomorrow afternoon in San Bolso Mantua. The track should allow the cars to reach speeds unimaginable, the peak should be reached on the fourth around the death of the second lap. To power the track need energy to run a town of twelve thousand inhabitants. The drivers of cars will be fitted with the classic control with the thumb lever to operate the telescope and have seen the size of the track. Mantua San Bolso eagerly awaiting the grand prize that will put the small town at the center of world sports coverage.

Thirteen years of research, four engineers involved, twenty-three miles of track, twelve dishes, eight loops. These are the numbers of fast track "slot" of electric cars in the world, the huge version of what all the kids had room dreaming of being in Formula One.
The first Grand Prix test is scheduled for tomorrow afternoon in San Bolso Mantua. The track should allow the cars to reach speeds unimaginable, the peak should be reached on the fourth around the death of the second lap. To power the track need energy to run a town of twelve thousand inhabitants. The drivers of cars will be fitted with the classic control with the thumb lever to operate the telescope and have seen the size of the track. Mantua San Bolso eagerly awaiting the grand prize that will put the small town at the center of world sports coverage.
Monday, September 8, 2008
I Love Money 2 Taylor Made
R & R, colds and reptiles: creepy
by Ezio Biagio
It is called "deviation Mababe," but others call it the "Curse of Gunga Randa," is the "disease" that affects, say the wise men local population in a hundred new moons Fiumango living along the river in the middle of unspoiled tropical jungle. The "disease" that has all the characteristics to be a real mystery to the scientific community, is manifested initially as a common cold. Respiratory inflammation, stuffy nose from mucus, headache and slight fever. But then, the dramatic surprise ...
The problem is the second phase, in fact, that a common cold is characterized by the dissolution of mucus, and copious use of handkerchiefs. But we're not talking about a normal illness, we are talking about the "diversion of Mababe" or "Gunga Randa's Curse" and the second phase is that it thickens the mucus in the form of reptile strisciante e al primo starnuto dal naso esce un serpente, si un serpe di moccio, il Gunga Randa per l'appunto o il Mababa a seconda della tribù a cui ci riferiamo.
I pochi medici che hanno raggiunto le popolazioni che vivono attorno al Fiumango non sanno dare spiegazioni, il mistero c'è e si è rivelato la settimana scorsa, l'appuntamento sarà tra cento lune nuove...

by Ezio Biagio
It is called "deviation Mababe," but others call it the "Curse of Gunga Randa," is the "disease" that affects, say the wise men local population in a hundred new moons Fiumango living along the river in the middle of unspoiled tropical jungle. The "disease" that has all the characteristics to be a real mystery to the scientific community, is manifested initially as a common cold. Respiratory inflammation, stuffy nose from mucus, headache and slight fever. But then, the dramatic surprise ...
The problem is the second phase, in fact, that a common cold is characterized by the dissolution of mucus, and copious use of handkerchiefs. But we're not talking about a normal illness, we are talking about the "diversion of Mababe" or "Gunga Randa's Curse" and the second phase is that it thickens the mucus in the form of reptile strisciante e al primo starnuto dal naso esce un serpente, si un serpe di moccio, il Gunga Randa per l'appunto o il Mababa a seconda della tribù a cui ci riferiamo.
I pochi medici che hanno raggiunto le popolazioni che vivono attorno al Fiumango non sanno dare spiegazioni, il mistero c'è e si è rivelato la settimana scorsa, l'appuntamento sarà tra cento lune nuove...
Friday, September 5, 2008
Homemade Canoe Trolling Motor Mount
The enigma of the animals Scafagna
Prima i cani hanno abbaiato e ululato una vecchia canzone anni sessanta “E viene notte, e vieni tu” dei Plexor, poi i gatti hanno miagolato all’unisono la Settima sinfonia in fa minore di Sgrattalì e le mucche l’hanno ripetuta muggendo. Ad un certo punto si felt a strong smell of cheese and a few drops fell from the sky green.
After a few hours was found dressed in a rooster and two hens in a tuxedo dress and red patent leather shoes. The next day a bull just walked backwards and still has not recovered. A guinea pig was hit by a severe attack of bloating the smell of white musk.
All this happens in one week to Scafagna pollinese. Strange and unusual events involving the land and its animals. Some spoke of divine intervention, others of acid rain, and some of electromagnetism. What remains is the mystery, and curiosity to see what happens tomorrow. Meanwhile we hear that a rat's campaign has painted his den representing the history of the world, naming the work "from Big Ben to the mousetrap."
Robert Verza

Prima i cani hanno abbaiato e ululato una vecchia canzone anni sessanta “E viene notte, e vieni tu” dei Plexor, poi i gatti hanno miagolato all’unisono la Settima sinfonia in fa minore di Sgrattalì e le mucche l’hanno ripetuta muggendo. Ad un certo punto si felt a strong smell of cheese and a few drops fell from the sky green.
After a few hours was found dressed in a rooster and two hens in a tuxedo dress and red patent leather shoes. The next day a bull just walked backwards and still has not recovered. A guinea pig was hit by a severe attack of bloating the smell of white musk.
All this happens in one week to Scafagna pollinese. Strange and unusual events involving the land and its animals. Some spoke of divine intervention, others of acid rain, and some of electromagnetism. What remains is the mystery, and curiosity to see what happens tomorrow. Meanwhile we hear that a rat's campaign has painted his den representing the history of the world, naming the work "from Big Ben to the mousetrap."
Robert Verza
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Fancy Dress Pub Golf Ladies Clothes
Feuss Mattolupo - I gotta go, I want to go, how do you
Dialogues enveloping, walk on words, natural breaks in the dialogue: this is Feuss Mattolupo, as always, and in his latest book, "I gotta go, I want to go, how do you , "published by Publisher Caffuoro. Following the usual taste. (ed. Upo UPI)
I was there with the mind but intermittent, tired of listening to too many a word exchanged. Presissima and everything was Cadullia m'infilava in my ears:
- because canilupi is not true that dogs are half wolf and half are just canilupi ... and wait, wait, last week I went to the movies and just have this film? Yes, yes, but no, I know you know the film intended as a building. I said in the film center, next to the hat shop. By the way, I open and close parentheses, which has the Bollina hat that you saw? Bollini and the girl Alullo. Listen, I can not stand. In fact I tell you that it is slippery. - Tired
, with the vacuum around, because even the canelupo was gone, I looked away and puts it elsewhere. A
Cadullia could not fit:
- Sisi, I just do not even Alullo I understand ... Fonzie? Fonzie? But excuse eh, I'm talking about! But it does not ... I talk too much? Eh, I've broken? -
course was breaking, of course I was talking too much but without telling him how to make them understand?
Fonzie had an idea:
- Do not break at all is that I have a problem and the doctor advised to me to turn my neck to stand up and take a walk. -
- Ah, weird. What doctor are you? But you should get up then. - She intervened.
- Cabbages yes, there I was thinking. Thank you and fuck you. -
- sorry, you say?! -
- You, fuck around his neck. -
- Ah. -
Dialogues enveloping, walk on words, natural breaks in the dialogue: this is Feuss Mattolupo, as always, and in his latest book, "I gotta go, I want to go, how do you , "published by Publisher Caffuoro. Following the usual taste. (ed. Upo UPI)
I was there with the mind but intermittent, tired of listening to too many a word exchanged. Presissima and everything was Cadullia m'infilava in my ears:
- because canilupi is not true that dogs are half wolf and half are just canilupi ... and wait, wait, last week I went to the movies and just have this film? Yes, yes, but no, I know you know the film intended as a building. I said in the film center, next to the hat shop. By the way, I open and close parentheses, which has the Bollina hat that you saw? Bollini and the girl Alullo. Listen, I can not stand. In fact I tell you that it is slippery. - Tired
, with the vacuum around, because even the canelupo was gone, I looked away and puts it elsewhere. A
Cadullia could not fit:
- Sisi, I just do not even Alullo I understand ... Fonzie? Fonzie? But excuse eh, I'm talking about! But it does not ... I talk too much? Eh, I've broken? -
course was breaking, of course I was talking too much but without telling him how to make them understand?
Fonzie had an idea:
- Do not break at all is that I have a problem and the doctor advised to me to turn my neck to stand up and take a walk. -
- Ah, weird. What doctor are you? But you should get up then. - She intervened.
- Cabbages yes, there I was thinking. Thank you and fuck you. -
- sorry, you say?! -
- You, fuck around his neck. -
- Ah. -
Monday, August 25, 2008
Tow Zone Regulations In Chicago Il
A Ritortigliano apex on two wheels and a half

In 32 ° at the festival of "water balloon provola the Whisky" famous sweet ritortiglianese, the country also known for being the birthplace of the philosopher Augustine Senzalacche contemporary nihilist, is preparing for the ninth international gathering of motorcycle wheels.
Over 200 hectares of fields have been paved for the occasion to allow reckless lovers of two wheels and means of performing stunts, wheelies and skids.
There will be samples from around the world including Ektor Vrenzen (SGH) on last year's winner of the jumping competition of the bins of sewage that reached all-time record of 21 cans and landed right into the twenty-second maximum with the joy of the crowd amused by evolution.
again this year through the following competitions: jump of the slurry bins, wheelies on Rotina turn left and race on straightness raised without protection (12 and 24 meters).
With Purchase of 4 water balloon festival at the entrance to the hall of the rally will be free:
addition to the races you can see and experience some of the models that have shaped the history of the bikes with wheels as Giamaka Chemer Vap 500 ( portrait drawings in the poster above).
event not to be missed.
There will be samples from around the world including Ektor Vrenzen (SGH) on last year's winner of the jumping competition of the bins of sewage that reached all-time record of 21 cans and landed right into the twenty-second maximum with the joy of the crowd amused by evolution.
again this year through the following competitions: jump of the slurry bins, wheelies on Rotina turn left and race on straightness raised without protection (12 and 24 meters).
With Purchase of 4 water balloon festival at the entrance to the hall of the rally will be free:
addition to the races you can see and experience some of the models that have shaped the history of the bikes with wheels as Giamaka Chemer Vap 500 ( portrait drawings in the poster above).
event not to be missed.
by Werdes Bremen
Cover Letter World Health Organization
Across the boss Conigliokie
You see in the picture, Joe Pan said "cudenna and Manfred Plum, right, also called" motaraio. Last night they were victims of an ambush during the celebration of the marriage of Martin pan. (Guido Macchia)
Chronicle: six men with their faces covered broke into the room where the lunch took place throwing dirty pots and pans of sauce, then fled jumping aboard their car. Not seriously injured, is assured by the authorities, but what is worrying is the resumption of hostilities between the families of Pan Succhialupi against Plum. The two young players in organized crime (see photo) are extending their business in a few years after becoming the undisputed leaders of the county of Conigliokie. Their career began at age childish when dealing with clandestine battles between baboons and hives. Caught by the police and in prison serving three annni you get back on track with the oil business pheasant. Their success does not stop and while the police look for evidence to be clamped, they are covering their backs Alfred Freschino economic support in the election campaign that brought him to the mayor's chair. It is perhaps for this relentless growth Succhialupi that George has openly declared war on the enemy family. The police are alerted and the security code has been pushed to the maximum. We hope it starts a never-ending battle between repartee.
You see in the picture, Joe Pan said "cudenna and Manfred Plum, right, also called" motaraio. Last night they were victims of an ambush during the celebration of the marriage of Martin pan. (Guido Macchia)
Chronicle: six men with their faces covered broke into the room where the lunch took place throwing dirty pots and pans of sauce, then fled jumping aboard their car. Not seriously injured, is assured by the authorities, but what is worrying is the resumption of hostilities between the families of Pan Succhialupi against Plum. The two young players in organized crime (see photo) are extending their business in a few years after becoming the undisputed leaders of the county of Conigliokie. Their career began at age childish when dealing with clandestine battles between baboons and hives. Caught by the police and in prison serving three annni you get back on track with the oil business pheasant. Their success does not stop and while the police look for evidence to be clamped, they are covering their backs Alfred Freschino economic support in the election campaign that brought him to the mayor's chair. It is perhaps for this relentless growth Succhialupi that George has openly declared war on the enemy family. The police are alerted and the security code has been pushed to the maximum. We hope it starts a never-ending battle between repartee.
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