Alla nostra redazione dislocata in Franconia, esattamente nella sede di Tres-Gozzan-avec-la-Chiass, è giunto questo comunicato firmato FCCP, Fronte Combattente Cipolla Proletaria , gruppo ancora sconosciuto alle forze dell'ordine ma su cui le stesse stanno già indagando per valutarne la veridicità. Di seguito riportiamo il testo del FCCP.
" Chi tocca The Onion ... crying! We address the popular appeal to the whole proletariat onion, in all fronts and the front of battle comrades (not naval): via hands italocanadiane by The Onion! The people do not want Leo D. Tisconini, the people want a committee to limit a soviet, or a worker, better engineering, but there is fine or hardrockmeccanico grungemeccanico or indiemeccanico ... The fuses (or fuse) is reduced, the powder swells, the balls are spinning, we do not have matches, we will find them, down with the bourgeoisie agliosa, wi vietcingcong onion, w cuba cuba and all the dancers, down banks, schools wi (of school, no fog), redistribute income, lower the GDP, cut the GDP (in short, shave), fists and a few saws, the state is us, who was not us, we were, we were, one thousand were a state, we the rest of us, the people, face, and the fighter sudiamericana onion, as well Zappaterra visitors? coltraterro, perhaps? and he that soweth then? us, we in the FCCP! Tisconini go to your dog and the evil eye, may soon fall into our hands (fists always ...)"
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