Prima i cani hanno abbaiato e ululato una vecchia canzone anni sessanta “E viene notte, e vieni tu” dei Plexor, poi i gatti hanno miagolato all’unisono la Settima sinfonia in fa minore di Sgrattalì e le mucche l’hanno ripetuta muggendo. Ad un certo punto si felt a strong smell of cheese and a few drops fell from the sky green.
After a few hours was found dressed in a rooster and two hens in a tuxedo dress and red patent leather shoes. The next day a bull just walked backwards and still has not recovered. A guinea pig was hit by a severe attack of bloating the smell of white musk.
All this happens in one week to Scafagna pollinese. Strange and unusual events involving the land and its animals. Some spoke of divine intervention, others of acid rain, and some of electromagnetism. What remains is the mystery, and curiosity to see what happens tomorrow. Meanwhile we hear that a rat's campaign has painted his den representing the history of the world, naming the work "from Big Ben to the mousetrap."
Robert Verza
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