by Ezio Biagio
It is called "deviation Mababe," but others call it the "Curse of Gunga Randa," is the "disease" that affects, say the wise men local population in a hundred new moons Fiumango living along the river in the middle of unspoiled tropical jungle. The "disease" that has all the characteristics to be a real mystery to the scientific community, is manifested initially as a common cold. Respiratory inflammation, stuffy nose from mucus, headache and slight fever. But then, the dramatic surprise ...
The problem is the second phase, in fact, that a common cold is characterized by the dissolution of mucus, and copious use of handkerchiefs. But we're not talking about a normal illness, we are talking about the "diversion of Mababe" or "Gunga Randa's Curse" and the second phase is that it thickens the mucus in the form of reptile strisciante e al primo starnuto dal naso esce un serpente, si un serpe di moccio, il Gunga Randa per l'appunto o il Mababa a seconda della tribù a cui ci riferiamo.
I pochi medici che hanno raggiunto le popolazioni che vivono attorno al Fiumango non sanno dare spiegazioni, il mistero c'è e si è rivelato la settimana scorsa, l'appuntamento sarà tra cento lune nuove...
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