(reading time: 55 seconds)
by Intense Moments
Late Bordiello in this beautiful country, people do not walk, but stumble. That's right: they stumble, tumble, and slide it sdrumano. Place in the top of the hill Val'Morso, the country is built down to 80%, whose streets cakes, disjointed, rough, make it difficult path to Tardonesi. The houses have sloping floors and furniture nailed. At the foot of this fortress in 1100 stands a huge crane, and once the people are "slip" down the country, the crane is used as an overhanging lift the country from above.
regularly, on time, every 10 minutes you enable the inhabitants to return to the top of Late. A country's avant-garde?, Well no! But traditionalists are. In fact, the crane, symbolizing the ancient catapult, used by their ancestors to be catapulted to the top of the country.
These people, however, is accustomed to fast dialogue, fast-action quasi-programmed This is because people, tumbling, sliding and falling, continues to make a normal life.
We have witnessed a scene of daily life. Slung on a pole I started to wait.
At one point, while clutching a grocery store a lot of shopping outside the store, came a high-speed guy. His name, Carozzi. While swearing by capate on the walls and asphalt, has launched the money, taking in the face of the fruit, but taking the envelope on the fly. Continuando a ruzzolare e cercando di rallentare:
- Scusiii!!, una domandaaa! Come si vive a Tarda?
- VAAAAFFFAANculoooooo!
Grande senso dell'umorismo, hanno questi Tardonesi.
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