Nella rassegna stampa di oggi:
1) the oath of Hippocrates THAN hypocrites. The post-abortion trauma. Cynthia Baccaglini - 28/02/2011 - Abortion - After the pope's words about post-abortion syndrome, it is appropriate to republish an old article on the topic
2) The Pope and the ambivalences of language that changes of Introvigne, 28.02.2011,
3) IL BEATO GIOVANNI DUNS SCOTO, TEOLOGO DELL’EUCARESTIA - ROMA, lunedì, 28 febbraio 2011 ( Pubblichiamo di seguito un estratto dal volumetto di Girolamo Pica, Il beato Giovanni Duns Scoto. Dottore dell'Immacolata (Elledici-Velar).
4) IN LAOS, FAMIGLIE DI CRISTIANI COSTRETTE AI MARGINI DELLA GIUNGLA - Cacciate dal villaggio di Katin rischiano ora la sopravvivenza di Paul De Maeyer
5) Benedict XVI's speech on abortion - to defend the common humanity of Lucetta Scaraffia (© L'Osservatore Romano - 28 February to 1 March 2011)
6) private schools, a deal for the State of Mark Lepore, 03.01.2011,
7) ; The indignant "special" by Paolo Preti, Tuesday, March 1, 2011, the
8) The Stranger - Anthony Socci's blog - The lesson of Yara Italy: the heroism of purity. As Maria Goretti, Antonio Socci, from "Free", March 1, 2011
9) Wanted Father Brown desperately Andrea Tornielli, 01/03/2011, from
10) ;, March 1, 2011, Beyond the pain, in the news - to understand, to live with David Rondoni
11), March 1, 2011, interview, Roccella " This Law Dat dissolved all doubt "of Francis Ognibene
12), March 1, 2011 - the card - so it gives value to the therapeutic alliance Ilaria Nava
13) REGRETS OVER THE SOLITUDE OF COMPLAINT hidden pain - The look that really matters to the darkness of abortion hurt by Marina Corradi, Future, March 1, 2011
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