Thursday, March 3, 2011

Columbus Ohio Cruising Spots

Press by Giorgio Razeto

In the press today:
1) Catechesis of Benedict XVI in St. Francis de Sales - At the General Audience of Wednesday
2) St. Francis de Sales and adult Catholics true Introvigne, 03/02/2011, by
3) Nobody touches your life, worth more than a Van Gogh Thomas Scandroglio, 03.02.2011,
4) "Bhatti died a martyr, too, the government is responsible" Riccardo Cascioli, 03/02/2011, from http://www .
5) "The Word of God calls us and draws us." The patriarch on "Verbum Domini" - Written March 2, 2011.
6) A preview some songs from the Pope's book - Ecce homo (© L'Osservatore Romano - March 3, 2011)
7) Case Yara, the ogre is the evil that lurks within us and in humans. Trivial to different views from those of the pastor. Disconcerting lack of information by Bruno Volpe, from
8) Submission to the Senate the book del medico e rianimatore Alberto Zangrillo, 2 marzo, 2011,
9)     La "fabbrica" dei figli e le sue conseguenze di Andrea Tornielli, 03-03-2011,
10)                       Roccella: «Dobbiamo fermare chi vuole l'eutanasia» di Danilo Quinto, 03-03-2011,
11)                       Carlo Casini: «Legge buona, impedisce l'eutanasia» di Marco Respinti, 03-03-2011,
12) Isimbaldi: "We need a new medical culture" Raffaella Frullone, 03.03.2011,
13) Bhatti, killed because Christian Mario Mauro, Thursday, March 3, 2011, the
14) POPE / With Jesus of Nazareth, "Benedict XVI defends the faith of the people of God by Massimo Camisasca, Thursday, March 3, 2011, the
15), March 3, 2011, the Pope's book / 2 - Quell'impossibilità to believe in forgiveness - the hour of Judah
16), March 3, 2011 - CINEMA - Hopkins exorcist in a movie almost true of Pellegrini Luca
17) "I have seen death and I changed my mind" - The moving testimony of the deputy medical Catanese: "I wanted to pull the plug" - Future, March 3, 2011
18) not remain at the mercy of the judgments - the neurologist, "a law should be able to reaffirm that life should not be delegated. The outcome of the discussion depends on the status of the medical profession, who can not accept the abandonment of medical treatment "- Future, March 3, 2011
19) "The tube is not therapy. Come and see "- Rom Houben, the young Belgian awakened from a vegetative state -" Hydration and nutrition therapies should not be ashamed of those who claim otherwise. " For the relatives of people in a vegetative state should "ensure the dignity of life" since "a of the worst torture is dying of thirst "We do not use some kind of machinery to feed them," says one parent, "but a means that leads water and food in their stomach 'Graziella Melina - speaking families - Future, March 3, 2011
20) ; 'Dat, "since these rules: ten questions and ten answers - These days we have multiplied the positions taken in different directions on the bill introducing the statements in advance of treatment. Ideas and objections that have made a number of questions emerge. Here are ten - with many answers - summary of the most applicants. - Nodes - A law is really necessary? Dat And why should not be binding? Is it right to prevent the suffering to end his life if he so desires? The debate about the provision on end of life has opened many questions that deserve clear answers Alberto Gambino
21) The Catechism? Defends the sick - often referred to in part, the text contains the Magisterium of the Church rejects all forms of aggressive medical treatment but also the procedures that "they want to inflict death" - questions - Michele Aramini, events, March 3, 2011
22) Dear atheist, do not give in to the new idols ... - Towards the courtyard / 6 - The philosopher converted Hadjadj Fabrice: "The militant secularists like Onfray are not without God, call it just another way" - "The dialogue with non-believers is possible on the basis of a common opening to adventure'''of the divine. - Our task is not to trivialize the faith "- by Lorenzo Fazzini, Future, March 3, 2011


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