At the bottom of the page to see a practical example
how your photos without your knowledge is disseminated in the WORLD
Those of you who did not loaded on the social network world's most popular
your photos? All
And how many know that every photo uploaded become property of the same
Before confirming the 'register on the site, Facebook
Please read the privacy statements
stresses newsletter and you accepted them.
If there is something obviously good
not you subscribe to.
But how many of you have "lost" time to read all that poop
of stuff that the site invites us to read?
is what he says about the photos uploaded on the website:
2. Content sharing and information
The user is the owner of all content and information
posted on Facebook and can control how
can be shared by
privacy settings and application settings.
addition :
1. With regard to the content covered by intellectual property rights
such photos and videos ("Content IP"), you
grants the following permissions to Facebook ,
subject to privacy settings and applications: the user provides a
Facebook a non-exclusive, transferable
, that may be granted come sotto-licenza ,
libera da royalty e valida in tutto il mondo ,
che consente l'utilizzo di qualsiasi Contenuto IP pubblicato
su Facebook o in connessione con Facebook ("Licenza IP").
La Licenza IP termina nel momento in cui l'utente elimina
i Contenuti IP presenti sul suo account , a meno
che t ali contenuti non siano stati condivisi con terzi
e che questi non li abbiano eliminati .
2. Quando l'utente elimina Contenuti IP,
questi vengono eliminati in modo simile
a quando si svuota il cestino del computer.
However, it is possible that the contents are removed
stored in backup copies for a specified period of time
(although not visible to others).
Read the Privacy Policy page on Facebook
The exterior decks in Facebook is not responsible
and that can transmit personal information to third parties such
are applications where you send gif
(as the Hearts) and of course toys.
A user who is not your friend on the site
for instance, can view your profile photo,
age or other information being passed through these applications
that do not belong to Facebook
but are created by site users.
If nobody uses Facebook applications
(like Hearts or type toys Farmville)
do not share your personal information,
but photos and video. For example
dear friends,
try this experiment and understand how your photos are
visible in the WORLD.
Find a profile of someone who
NOT among friends and that you have set the
BOARD visible ALL .
Well, if this COMMENT
a guy photos (his or his friend),
you see on their wall
" Tizio said Caius PHOTO "
and know that if CLICK on PHOTO
will see the photo of Caio ,
a user who does not know ,
which you do not even friends in common?
Here 's the example of papal papal
global sharing of your photos .
The solution to defend your photos and video
by third parties?
None. Indeed there is a.
not subscribe to the site and thus will not disclose your information.
Why do you think MySpace is doing?
Badoo doing? Read these papyri
10 kilometers long before
subscribe to one site.
Because after you click the button accepted
're screwed!
Article by Daniele Lapenna
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