L 'invention extraordinary Prime Minister Berlusconi
gave lifeblood to' building, and then to
money in circulation because of
economic crisis of recent years.
Too bad that the house plan he 's goal of
eliminate the few areas not already cemented
The law allows
beautiful designed by the premier of destroy total freedom (which is why
"people of freedom") the whole ' surrounding environment.
presidents Puglia, Lazio , Piedmont and other regions
d 'Italy have already turned their brains to
super change
the house plan at their leisure.
Take the case of the horrible Liguria.
" The new measure, which shall
will be in force until December 31, 2013,
seeks to promote the functional adaptation,
architectural and environmental buildings
also through ' application of new technologies for
seismic safety,
l'efficienza energetica e la sostenibilità
ambientale (?!?!) degli edifici "
Belle idee ma vediamo in dettaglio
le modifiche.
Ampliamenti anche per gli immobili parzialmente condonati
La nuova legge prevede la possibilità di un ampliamento
del 20% della volumetria anche per gli immobili
parzialmente condonati, sottraendo però la volumetria
già condonata.
" Obtain a room in a cellar farming tools,
or close a cupboard to store your potatoes
amnesties are type 1.
In Liguria
-emphasizes regional president Claudio Burlando-
there were major abusers.
opening to the buildings subject to minimum tax amnesties,
allow, for the vast majority
to country houses, to add compartment "
demolition and reconstruction
The bill also allows a increase
Cubing to 35% for residential buildings
that are demolished and rebuilt.
can be taken down and rebuilt
only incongruous and dilapidated buildings, while respecting
of the intended uses of the instruments
municipal urban planning. As for the concept
"site for the reconstruction, is determined
that reconstruction can take place within 25 meters
the perimeter of the existing building, rather than within 5
meters as previously set .
Quote for ERPE
Finally, it is stated that 20% of the buildings
non-residential buildings demolished and rebuilt is intended for public housing construction (ERP);
also permitted the monetization and the sum paid to the City is to be used
building special agreement.
Many may not fregherà
ia a blessed me ... but in some regions there is the suck. For example, in Sardinia
it was established that can not be built on the sea (how nice!)
because you go to disfigure the landscape beautiful, but to a certain number of
km (was fixed at 2 km).
Those who respect the law and built farther from the sea
has as a bonus, you can build increasing
enter the area where cement. How
say "I build a 5 km, and I do
a hotel twice the size of what I had in
project." Thanks
house plan. Thanks
premier. Farewell
nature ..
Article by Daniele Lapenna
news source house plan Liguria
http://www.casaeclima.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=6746:piano-casa-la -liguria-ha-a-new-law & catid = 1: latest-news & Itemid = 50
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