Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Protocol For Sympathy Cards

Press by Giorgio Razeto

In the press today:
1) ; Euthanasia, deception "cases limit "by Giuliano Guzzo - 01/03/2011 - Euthanasia - by
2) STEM, GATHERING IN PUBLIC OR PRIVATE BIOBANKS? - The Academy for Life is pronounced, unofficially, for a mixed system of Mariaelena Finessi - VATICAN CITY, Tuesday, 1 March 2011 (
3) GROWING practice of Eucharistic adoration PERPETUAL - Interview Don Alberto Pacini Antonio Gaspari
4) Silvia and abortion. And then off to see the stars of George Gibert, 03.01.2011,
5) Peter Julian and the social realm of Jesus Eucharistic Introvigne, 01/03/2011, by
6) La scrittura "rock" della cattolica Flannery di Antonio Giuliano, 01-03-2011, da
7)     L’omaggio di un freudiano a Paul Newman - Autore: Genga, Glauco Maria   Curatore: Leonardi, Enrico - Fonte: - lunedì 28 febbraio 2011
8)     Nottingham University: «pillola giorno increases after spreading sexual diseases "- March 1, 2011 -
9) BALANCE OF REPORT DOCTOR-PATIENT avoid the EUTHANASIA - "Science & Life" reflects on the end of life and self-determination of Roberta Sciamplicotti - ROME, Tuesday, 1 March 2011 (
10) Fini fa il furbetto con il Catechismo di Riccardo Cascioli, 02-03-2011, da
11)                       Caro Saviano, tutto qui? Di Davide Rondoni, mercoledì 2 marzo 2011, il
12) Killed Catholic minister for minorities - 02/03/2010, from
13) ;, March 2, 2011 - Yes, to a serious law on end of life - good sense of Essential Frank Ognibene
14) ;, February 27, 2011 - EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW - I, surviving the monks of Tibhirine By Jean-Marie Guénois (translation by Anne-Marie Brogan)
15)                       I contenuti del testo - Per la Dat platea “allargata” Ma sostegni vitali intoccabili, di Ilaria Nava, Avvenire, 2 marzo 2011


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