In the press today:
1) Vatican Radio - Audiences & Angelus, news of 06/03 / 2011 - The Angelus of Benedict XVI - Full text
2) Popieluszko, the priest who put the lie to the regime of Antonio Giuliano, on 03/05/2011
3) 05/03/2011- PAKISTAN - Pakistan: acquitted on blasphemy charges, was killed on the street. The "black law" is still victims
4) READINGS / The Houellebecq phenomenon, a prophet of a world desperate orphan of eternal life - Staff Writer - Saturday, March 5, 2011,
5) Libya falters. Meanwhile, Lebanon has already lost - there won Hezbollah, backed by Iran and Syria. Here the ideology and programs of the "Party of God," explained to "Oasis," the magazine of the patriarchate of Venice by Sandro Magister
6), March 5, 2011 - That "desire" of death - Return to the Law of David Rondoni
7) History - "My husband is blocked, but his life has meaning" - FRANCESCA DA PIACENZA Lozito - Talk to the wife of Gianni, 12 years closed in the locked-in syndrome, "Before becoming ill did not want to be invalid. After that, we always asked for help '- Future, March 5, 2011
8) natural fertility, in the sign of a new feminism "ecological" * Maria Angela Cosentino
9) Benedict XVI's new book on Jesus is the anticipation of (Source: ASCA)
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