Animals: dogs and cats kissing is bad for health? Plan
The pets are always good company. For many of us are even more simple creatures, who in fact there is cats and dogs as true members of their family by making them sleep in the bed, includes accessories of various kinds and even kissing in the mouth. This last behavior on the part of employers, however, could prove harmful to human health . How do you explain the Dr. Paul Maza , vice-director of the College of Veterinary Medicine at Cornell University, if not treated properly, kiss your dog and cat can become harmful for health man is more vulnerable than animal
Between man and 'pet there are many bacteria in the mouth that are shared. However, if dog and cat are not cleaned and treated in a manner appropriate for the "lick" can transmit various diseases. It 'important to maintain oral hygiene care of your pet lavandogli pulendogli teeth and mouth. With these measures, the mouth of a four-legged friend can become even more sanitized than a man.
For example, for people with low immune system with HIV or other diseases, but also weak and a rischio come gli anziani, dovrebbero evitare di baciare i propri animali domestici perché la resistenza del loro organismo è molto bassa e sono più facilmente sottoposti a infezioni batteriche o da germi .
Se poi non riuscite proprio a rinunciare a questi
gesti affettuosi dei vostri amati animali, allora non dimenticatevi di:
lavare bene la bocca del vostro animale;
non fare mangiare loro gli avanzi della spazzatura
e pulire regolarmente le ciotole di cibo e acqua!
Monday, March 14, 2011
What Pants Do You Use For Swimming
Press review by Giorgio Razeto
Nella rassegna stampa di oggi:
2) DISPUTE SULLA PILLOLA DEL GIORNO DOPO - Preoccupazioni per l'aumento del rischio di contrarre malattie di padre John Flynn, LC
4) Vatican Radio, the news 10/03/2011 - Brief of "Jesus of Nazareth" by Joseph Ratzinger-Benedict XVI
5) Tsunami and we Andrea Tornielli, 14/03/2011, from http : / /
Sunday, March 13, 2011
/view/view.shtml Axis New Jersey
home in Liguria: the monster of 'building mangiasuolo. From north to south, the changes of region-destroying environment
L 'invention extraordinary Prime Minister Berlusconi
gave lifeblood to' building, and then to
money in circulation because of
economic crisis of recent years.
Too bad that the house plan he 's goal of
eliminate the few areas not already cemented
The law allows
beautiful designed by the premier of destroy total freedom (which is why
"people of freedom") the whole ' surrounding environment.
presidents Puglia, Lazio , Piedmont and other regions
d 'Italy have already turned their brains to
super change
the house plan at their leisure.
Take the case of the horrible Liguria.
" The new measure, which shall
will be in force until December 31, 2013,
seeks to promote the functional adaptation,
architectural and environmental buildings
also through ' application of new technologies for
seismic safety,
l'efficienza energetica e la sostenibilità
ambientale (?!?!) degli edifici "
Belle idee ma vediamo in dettaglio
le modifiche.
Ampliamenti anche per gli immobili parzialmente condonati
La nuova legge prevede la possibilità di un ampliamento
del 20% della volumetria anche per gli immobili
parzialmente condonati, sottraendo però la volumetria
già condonata.
" Obtain a room in a cellar farming tools,
or close a cupboard to store your potatoes
amnesties are type 1.
In Liguria
-emphasizes regional president Claudio Burlando-
there were major abusers.
opening to the buildings subject to minimum tax amnesties,
allow, for the vast majority
to country houses, to add compartment "
demolition and reconstruction
The bill also allows a increase
Cubing to 35% for residential buildings
that are demolished and rebuilt.
can be taken down and rebuilt
only incongruous and dilapidated buildings, while respecting
of the intended uses of the instruments
municipal urban planning. As for the concept
"site for the reconstruction, is determined
that reconstruction can take place within 25 meters
the perimeter of the existing building, rather than within 5
meters as previously set .
Quote for ERPE
Finally, it is stated that 20% of the buildings
non-residential buildings demolished and rebuilt is intended for public housing construction (ERP);
also permitted the monetization and the sum paid to the City is to be used
building special agreement.
Many may not fregherà
ia a blessed me ... but in some regions there is the suck. For example, in Sardinia
it was established that can not be built on the sea (how nice!)
because you go to disfigure the landscape beautiful, but to a certain number of
km (was fixed at 2 km).
Those who respect the law and built farther from the sea
has as a bonus, you can build increasing
enter the area where cement. How
say "I build a 5 km, and I do
a hotel twice the size of what I had in
project." Thanks
house plan. Thanks
premier. Farewell
nature ..
Article by Daniele Lapenna
news source house plan Liguria -liguria-ha-a-new-law & catid = 1: latest-news & Itemid = 50
L 'invention extraordinary Prime Minister Berlusconi
gave lifeblood to' building, and then to
money in circulation because of
economic crisis of recent years.
Too bad that the house plan he 's goal of
eliminate the few areas not already cemented
The law allows
beautiful designed by the premier of destroy total freedom (which is why
"people of freedom") the whole ' surrounding environment.
presidents Puglia, Lazio , Piedmont and other regions
d 'Italy have already turned their brains to
super change
the house plan at their leisure.
Take the case of the horrible Liguria.
" The new measure, which shall
will be in force until December 31, 2013,
seeks to promote the functional adaptation,
architectural and environmental buildings
also through ' application of new technologies for
seismic safety,
l'efficienza energetica e la sostenibilità
ambientale (?!?!) degli edifici "
Belle idee ma vediamo in dettaglio
le modifiche.
Ampliamenti anche per gli immobili parzialmente condonati
La nuova legge prevede la possibilità di un ampliamento
del 20% della volumetria anche per gli immobili
parzialmente condonati, sottraendo però la volumetria
già condonata.
" Obtain a room in a cellar farming tools,
or close a cupboard to store your potatoes
amnesties are type 1.
In Liguria
-emphasizes regional president Claudio Burlando-
there were major abusers.
opening to the buildings subject to minimum tax amnesties,
allow, for the vast majority
to country houses, to add compartment "
demolition and reconstruction
The bill also allows a increase
Cubing to 35% for residential buildings
that are demolished and rebuilt.
can be taken down and rebuilt
only incongruous and dilapidated buildings, while respecting
of the intended uses of the instruments
municipal urban planning. As for the concept
"site for the reconstruction, is determined
that reconstruction can take place within 25 meters
the perimeter of the existing building, rather than within 5
meters as previously set .
Quote for ERPE
Finally, it is stated that 20% of the buildings
non-residential buildings demolished and rebuilt is intended for public housing construction (ERP);
also permitted the monetization and the sum paid to the City is to be used
building special agreement.
Many may not fregherà
ia a blessed me ... but in some regions there is the suck. For example, in Sardinia
it was established that can not be built on the sea (how nice!)
because you go to disfigure the landscape beautiful, but to a certain number of
km (was fixed at 2 km).
Those who respect the law and built farther from the sea
has as a bonus, you can build increasing
enter the area where cement. How
say "I build a 5 km, and I do
a hotel twice the size of what I had in
project." Thanks
house plan. Thanks
premier. Farewell
nature ..
Article by Daniele Lapenna
news source house plan Liguria -liguria-ha-a-new-law & catid = 1: latest-news & Itemid = 50
How To Find A Mandingo
Press by Giorgio Razeto
In press Today:
1) U.S. 'almost' NOTHING BUT NOTHING - MORE AWARE OF THE MYSTERY OF DAVID Rondoni, Future, March 13, 2011
2) SERVICE Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration of Don Giovanni Lo Sapio *
3) 12/03/2011 - CHINA - VATICAN - Isolated from a village in Hebei police for the death of an underground bishop
4) 12/03/2011 - PAKISTAN - Police trying to belittle the ' Shahbaz Batthi murder. Fears for Asia Bibi Khan Jibran
5) 12/03/2011 - MALAYSIA - Christians protest: the government 30 thousand blocks in the Malay language Bibles
6) 12/03/2011 - ETHIOPIA - Ethiopia: Muslim radicals burned twelve Protestant churches. One dead, dozens injured
7) In the three Trinitarian encyclicals of Pope John Paul II - The Event explaining man to man ANGEL SCOLA (© L'Osservatore Romano, March 13, 2011)
8) With "The Rite" by Mikael Hafstrom - returns to the big screen the figure of ' Exorcist - I Believe it or not the devil exists GAETANO Vallin (© L'Osservatore Romano, March 13, 2011)
9) Ignatius of Loyola as a soldier to knight ( to the Kingdom) - It went limping to the good fortune to Alain Besançon (© L'Osservatore Romano, March 13, 2011)
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Tiffany Granath And Norty
Press by Giorgio Razeto
In today's press release:
1) PRAY FOR THE POPE VICTIMS OF TSUNAMI which hit JAPAN - There is talk of more than 1,000 victims after the earthquake in the Asian country
3) "Do not be afraid the inconvenient truth "of Introvigne, 03/11/2011, by
5) "a historical book, which inaugurates a new era of theological exegesis" - the new "Jesus of Nazareth by Benedict XVI introduced and explained by a cardinal, theologian raised his school Marc Ouellet - from
6) John Finnis, a philosopher at Oxford, recounts his conversion to Catholicism - March 11, 2011, from
7) The charisma of Sister Veronica fascinates Spain Nastia Filippi, 12/03/2011, by
8) North Korea, a true hell on earth Danilo Quinto, 03/12/2011, from http://www .
9) 'embryonic cells are not patentable. " Turn the EU? - L '"harangue" - The lawyer of the Court of Justice in charge of a case about commercial use of stem cells: if you turn into humans (or in organs human) their legal status is to screw in effect
Friday, March 11, 2011
Dirt Catcher For Motorhomes
Press by Giorgio Razeto
In today's press release:
1) A singular sentence in Britain - not allowed to entrust children to Christian couples (© L'Osservatore Romano, March 11, 2011)
2) Justice, Reform is necessary, but on the points to be discussed "by Riccardo Cascioli, 11.03.2011,
3) Italy, New Germany by Mario Mauro, Friday, March 11, 2011, the
4) Distinguish attend a father Serafino Lanzetta - 11/03/2011 - Religion-The Vatican and absolutism. In dialogue with P. John Cavalcoli from
5), March 11, 2011 - Speaking of symbols that express the history and civilization - Some people also used the prop to take out the cross of David Rondoni
6), END OF LIFE - End of Life, Sgreccia "Act required 'by Pier Luigi Fornari
7) ; J'accuse / And now the Spain of Zapatero, "forbids" anche le messe ai cristiani di Luca Volontè, venerdì 11 marzo 2011, il
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Do Brazilan Women Have Big Breast
PHOTO, VIDEO and Text "stolen" from around the web and here is how our personal cross media rules of privacy
After referring to the privacy of Facebook
that allows others to access our
picture, now we speak more generally, including
any website.
L 'article' s intention to warn
any user who uses the web and you
annoyed when he discovers that his photos
may be disclosed without his knowledge.
started talking about what files can be
" stolen." And in that way .
In general, all media ,
by photos and videos up PDF documents or Articles
on blogs and websites.
's example to see how easy it is to steal them, and write
Google Images
any word (eg waterfall) and look at the many pictures
coming out of our research.
will notice several pictures including but many
SAME but having different name and located in different sites .
do you see that shot many times in your search
who was "stolen"?
The owner of that photo has granted 's
use of his image?
Or he's all 'dark place? Even if you write to
as "man" you
photos that you can save and make the 'you want to use
not know if the owner thereof,
or worse still the subject of the photo is okay in
' intemperate use of his image.
may be that it is not (become so popular in web)
or that it is.
So in the same way your photos can be copied
For Facebook, I explained in my previous post as
you can copy the photos, but also for other sites
is more or less the same thing.
For example, the site
that allows uploading of photos, protect copy of the same blocking
's option "Save As" from the right
of your mouse. But the simple way to copy
also is to press the button "Print Screen " to the right of the keyboard
on the "DELETE " (it is often reported on the same key
" STAMP - RSIST "), open the Paint program, and then from the menu above
" Edit -> Paste .
And the same goes for Video . There are now thousands of
programs (and websites
) that allow you to download
videos from YouTube or other sites that give the
possibility to upload videos on the net.
After downloading a video, anyone can make
the 'who wants to use, even complain that his work
and not the original owner.
YouTube in this way also allows you to hide
a video uploaded to all web users and
share it only with those who we decide.
But other sites do not act the same way.
Even works on sites
poems can be copied.
The owner of the site can also lock the keys left and right mouse
with which you can copy text, but there are other
tricks to make copies
texts. One is that of
STAMP mentioned above, the 'other
is obviously writing from scratch
the text you are reading, the' in another 'access to the text by going to
source code of the page, if
the right is blocked, you may receive
pressing when you're on the web page, the key
" the window with the arrow" (see image below )
located to the left of "CTRL" to the right of this
keyboard, next to the four darts.
As explained, Facebook ( e molto probabilmente
altri siti web ) permettono la copia di file
utilizzando la "visualizzazione a terzi".
Tu sei UNO, Facebook è il DUE, e il TERZO è un utente
che vede ad esempio il tuo VIDEO , lo scarica ,
mette la sua firma e lo spaccia per suo .
Oppure vede la tua foto , la salva
e la mette come immagine del profilo
spacciandosi per TE .
O potrebbe usare la tua foto per fare dei video,
per metterle a siti web o per altri usi che tu
How can I protect my files?
The web is a world full of smart people who can
to bypass all the blocks and reach its goal
. How's that can
hacker to access the websites of governments without any problems.
licenses of copyright protection
that can be obtained from some sites are
the next solution, when there is the crime of appropriating
material without the consent of the owner. You can do such a
But perhaps the best method is in ' avoid
load our photos or other files if they believe
and send them by mail if we see them
only by certain people. Denouncing
costs money, and if our photos, video
, poems or articles are not worth money,
ignore it and keep personal photos
only on our PC.
Article by Daniele Lapenna
After referring to the privacy of Facebook
that allows others to access our
picture, now we speak more generally, including
any website.
L 'article' s intention to warn
any user who uses the web and you
annoyed when he discovers that his photos
may be disclosed without his knowledge.
started talking about what files can be
" stolen." And in that way .
In general, all media ,
by photos and videos up PDF documents or Articles
on blogs and websites.
's example to see how easy it is to steal them, and write
Google Images
any word (eg waterfall) and look at the many pictures
coming out of our research.
will notice several pictures including but many
SAME but having different name and located in different sites .
do you see that shot many times in your search
who was "stolen"?
The owner of that photo has granted 's
use of his image?
Or he's all 'dark place? Even if you write to
as "man" you
photos that you can save and make the 'you want to use
not know if the owner thereof,
or worse still the subject of the photo is okay in
' intemperate use of his image.
may be that it is not (become so popular in web)
or that it is.
So in the same way your photos can be copied
For Facebook, I explained in my previous post as
you can copy the photos, but also for other sites
is more or less the same thing.
For example, the site
that allows uploading of photos, protect copy of the same blocking
's option "Save As" from the right
of your mouse. But the simple way to copy
also is to press the button "Print Screen " to the right of the keyboard
on the "DELETE " (it is often reported on the same key
" STAMP - RSIST "), open the Paint program, and then from the menu above
" Edit -> Paste .
And the same goes for Video . There are now thousands of
programs (and websites
) that allow you to download
videos from YouTube or other sites that give the
possibility to upload videos on the net.
After downloading a video, anyone can make
the 'who wants to use, even complain that his work
and not the original owner.
YouTube in this way also allows you to hide
a video uploaded to all web users and
share it only with those who we decide.
But other sites do not act the same way.
Even works on sites
poems can be copied.
The owner of the site can also lock the keys left and right mouse
with which you can copy text, but there are other
tricks to make copies
texts. One is that of
STAMP mentioned above, the 'other
is obviously writing from scratch
the text you are reading, the' in another 'access to the text by going to
source code of the page, if
the right is blocked, you may receive
pressing when you're on the web page, the key
" the window with the arrow" (see image below )
located to the left of "CTRL" to the right of this
keyboard, next to the four darts.
As explained, Facebook ( e molto probabilmente
altri siti web ) permettono la copia di file
utilizzando la "visualizzazione a terzi".
Tu sei UNO, Facebook è il DUE, e il TERZO è un utente
che vede ad esempio il tuo VIDEO , lo scarica ,
mette la sua firma e lo spaccia per suo .
Oppure vede la tua foto , la salva
e la mette come immagine del profilo
spacciandosi per TE .
O potrebbe usare la tua foto per fare dei video,
per metterle a siti web o per altri usi che tu
How can I protect my files?
The web is a world full of smart people who can
to bypass all the blocks and reach its goal
. How's that can
hacker to access the websites of governments without any problems.
licenses of copyright protection
that can be obtained from some sites are
the next solution, when there is the crime of appropriating
material without the consent of the owner. You can do such a
But perhaps the best method is in ' avoid
load our photos or other files if they believe
and send them by mail if we see them
only by certain people. Denouncing
costs money, and if our photos, video
, poems or articles are not worth money,
ignore it and keep personal photos
only on our PC.
Article by Daniele Lapenna
Why Can't I Get Zshare To Play
Press by Giorgio Razeto
Nella rassegna stampa di oggi:
1) Il Papa e il metodo di Dio di Andrea Tornielli, 10-03-2011,
2) "Gesù, re del mondo e della storia" di Massimo Introvigne, 10-03-2011,
3) on facebook a game for the last wishes of Raffaella Frullone, 10.03.2011, http://www.labussolaquotidiana. it
4) Lent is a time of prayer and study of Introvigne, 03.09.2011, http://www.labussolaquotidiana . it
5) IMPLANTATION GENETIC DIAGNOSIS ON THE DIVIDE GERMANY - Half of the German Ethics Council is in favor of his practice is limited to Paul De Maeyer
6) freedom abused - Staff Writer - Thursday, March 10, 2011, the
7) SCHOOL / Teacher-pupil an opportunity to discover all the questions "buried" by Onorato Grassi, Thursday, March 10, 2011, the
8) END OF LIFE / Eluana is why after a law of Gabriel Toccafondi, Thursday, March 10, 2011, the
9) THE RESURRECTION, a real event that surpasses all experiences and images of Joseph Ratzinger - Benedict XVI,
10), March 10, 2011 - So it is confirmed, without betraying him, the status of the doctor - The law serves to protect the alliance with the patient care Massimo Gandolfini
11) Other Voices - On reading a review for pro-life, events, March 10, 2011
12) Topics - Blunders copyright, there is a reply to all of Alberto Gambino, events, March 10, 2011
13) ; a "law" is already there: they have written the sentences - the facts - Ilaria Nava, Future, March 10, 2011
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Song From The Chase Ski Commercial
Press by Giorgio Razeto
In today's press release:
1) the General Audience, 09/03/2011 - THE TEXT OF THE HOLY FATHER ON CATECHESIS Lent IN ITALIAN
2) Down the 'imperfection' is a human value Danilo Quinto, 08/03/2011, by
3) 08/03/2011 - BANGLADESH - Power games between tribal authorities and officials behind the suicide of a Christian woman raped by Nozrul Islam
4) GERMANY: 35 SENTENCED WHY PARENTS AGAINST SEXUAL EDUCATION - Associations of 9 countries 4 continents and defend the rights of parents
5) "Lent, to rediscover a wonderful life" by Antonio Giuliano, 09.03.2011,
6) Who is happy? Lorenzo Albacete, Wednesday, March 9, 2011, the
7), March 9, 2011, is the result of not setting fideistic but rational - I am totally lay the grounds for saying yes to the law on "Dat"
8) ;, March 9, 2011 - More about adoptions and "single" - but the 'dynamic' does not substitute for the family of Francesco D'Agostino
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Two-seater Beach Buggy Blueprint
Press edited by George Razeto
In today's press release:
1) the real woman and we pilgrims sr. Maria Gloria Riva, 08.03.2011, from
2) THE FIRST CONDITION EVANGELIZATION and worship - Interview with Bishop Dominique Rey, Bishop of Fréjus-Toulon (France) Gisèle Plantec
3) 07/03/2011 - EGYPT - Jasmine Revolution, the growing power of the Brethren musulmani
4) Le ultime parole del ministro Bhatti ricordate dal cardinale Jean-Louis Tauran - Sapeva che l'avrebbero ucciso di JEAN-LOUIS TAURAN (©L'Osservatore Romano 7-8 marzo 2011)
5) Radio Vaticana - Scienza ed Etica, notizia del 07/03/2011 - Corte suprema dell’India: no all’eutanasia. Un verdetto storico
6) They call it the "lump" by Lorenzo Pierce - 07/03/2011 - from
7) Crepaldi: Law on end of life care, yes, but the conditions of Riccardo Cascioli, 08.03.2011,
8) Act "late-life" position on the field by Marco Rejected, 08-03-2011,
9) I giudici o la politica? Di Lorenza Violini, martedì 8 marzo 2011, il
10) END OF LIFE / 1. Binetti, a secular law with references to Christian inspiration of Paola Binetti, Tuesday, March 8, 2011, the
11) END OF LIFE / 2. Socci, not overturning the law or "lose" my daughter - INT. Antonio Socci, Tuesday, March 8, 2011, the
12) ;, March 8, 2011, The law on end of life in the House - The party of family asks citizenship - Fulvio De Nigris, Director Research Center for Research on Coma's friends
13), March 8, 2011 - BIOETHICS AND POLICY - Euthanasia, temptation global Lorenzo Schoepflin
14), March 8, 2011 - THE LAWYER - Mangiameli: "The Constitution does not There is no right to self-determination "of Henry Negrotti
15) SE Cardinal Carlo Caffarra - Prolegomena to a reflection on the soul, Brescia, 5 March 2011
Monday, March 7, 2011
Dishwasher Mount Corian
Press by Giorgio Razeto
In the press today:
1) Medicine / Plastic, which improves the skin without surgery - INT. Antonio Di Pietro - Friday, March 4, 2011 - the
2) "When there's nothing to do, we give life more intense "Raffaella Frullone, 03.07.2011,
3) The Pope recalls the sacrifice of Pakistani Minister Andrea Tornielli, 07-03-2011,
4) Pastorale omosex? Senza tacere la verità di Marco Invernizzi, 04-03-2011,
5) Le lesbiche accusano un'insegnante cattolica di Guido Villa, 04-03-2011,
6) "continuing catechesis on family life" by Massimo Introvigne, 04.03.2011,
7) ; FINEVITA / Nathanson: I, "father" of abortion the U.S., today I say that goes against our freedom - Editorial - Monday, March 7, 2011, the
8) addition to the loss of Fiji Colognesi, Monday, March 7, 2011, the
9), March 4, 2011, INTERVIEW - believers or not, one law of Andrea Galli
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Pokemon Diamond/pearl Dawn Upskirt
Privacy on Facebook: Did you know that the photos and video loads that become the property of the Social Network?
At the bottom of the page to see a practical example
how your photos without your knowledge is disseminated in the WORLD
Those of you who did not loaded on the social network world's most popular
your photos? All
And how many know that every photo uploaded become property of the same
Before confirming the 'register on the site, Facebook
Please read the privacy statements
stresses newsletter and you accepted them.
If there is something obviously good
not you subscribe to.
But how many of you have "lost" time to read all that poop
of stuff that the site invites us to read?
is what he says about the photos uploaded on the website:
2. Content sharing and information
The user is the owner of all content and information
posted on Facebook and can control how
can be shared by
privacy settings and application settings.
addition :
1. With regard to the content covered by intellectual property rights
such photos and videos ("Content IP"), you
grants the following permissions to Facebook ,
subject to privacy settings and applications: the user provides a
Facebook a non-exclusive, transferable
, that may be granted come sotto-licenza ,
libera da royalty e valida in tutto il mondo ,
che consente l'utilizzo di qualsiasi Contenuto IP pubblicato
su Facebook o in connessione con Facebook ("Licenza IP").
La Licenza IP termina nel momento in cui l'utente elimina
i Contenuti IP presenti sul suo account , a meno
che t ali contenuti non siano stati condivisi con terzi
e che questi non li abbiano eliminati .
2. Quando l'utente elimina Contenuti IP,
questi vengono eliminati in modo simile
a quando si svuota il cestino del computer.
However, it is possible that the contents are removed
stored in backup copies for a specified period of time
(although not visible to others).
Read the Privacy Policy page on Facebook
The exterior decks in Facebook is not responsible
and that can transmit personal information to third parties such
are applications where you send gif
(as the Hearts) and of course toys.
A user who is not your friend on the site
for instance, can view your profile photo,
age or other information being passed through these applications
that do not belong to Facebook
but are created by site users.
If nobody uses Facebook applications
(like Hearts or type toys Farmville)
do not share your personal information,
but photos and video. For example
dear friends,
try this experiment and understand how your photos are
visible in the WORLD.
Find a profile of someone who
NOT among friends and that you have set the
BOARD visible ALL .
Well, if this COMMENT
a guy photos (his or his friend),
you see on their wall
" Tizio said Caius PHOTO "
and know that if CLICK on PHOTO
will see the photo of Caio ,
a user who does not know ,
which you do not even friends in common?
Here 's the example of papal papal
global sharing of your photos .
The solution to defend your photos and video
by third parties?
None. Indeed there is a.
not subscribe to the site and thus will not disclose your information.
Why do you think MySpace is doing?
Badoo doing? Read these papyri
10 kilometers long before
subscribe to one site.
Because after you click the button accepted
're screwed!
Article by Daniele Lapenna
At the bottom of the page to see a practical example
how your photos without your knowledge is disseminated in the WORLD
Those of you who did not loaded on the social network world's most popular
your photos? All
And how many know that every photo uploaded become property of the same
Before confirming the 'register on the site, Facebook
Please read the privacy statements
stresses newsletter and you accepted them.
If there is something obviously good
not you subscribe to.
But how many of you have "lost" time to read all that poop
of stuff that the site invites us to read?
is what he says about the photos uploaded on the website:
2. Content sharing and information
The user is the owner of all content and information
posted on Facebook and can control how
can be shared by
privacy settings and application settings.
addition :
1. With regard to the content covered by intellectual property rights
such photos and videos ("Content IP"), you
grants the following permissions to Facebook ,
subject to privacy settings and applications: the user provides a
Facebook a non-exclusive, transferable
, that may be granted come sotto-licenza ,
libera da royalty e valida in tutto il mondo ,
che consente l'utilizzo di qualsiasi Contenuto IP pubblicato
su Facebook o in connessione con Facebook ("Licenza IP").
La Licenza IP termina nel momento in cui l'utente elimina
i Contenuti IP presenti sul suo account , a meno
che t ali contenuti non siano stati condivisi con terzi
e che questi non li abbiano eliminati .
2. Quando l'utente elimina Contenuti IP,
questi vengono eliminati in modo simile
a quando si svuota il cestino del computer.
However, it is possible that the contents are removed
stored in backup copies for a specified period of time
(although not visible to others).
Read the Privacy Policy page on Facebook
The exterior decks in Facebook is not responsible
and that can transmit personal information to third parties such
are applications where you send gif
(as the Hearts) and of course toys.
A user who is not your friend on the site
for instance, can view your profile photo,
age or other information being passed through these applications
that do not belong to Facebook
but are created by site users.
If nobody uses Facebook applications
(like Hearts or type toys Farmville)
do not share your personal information,
but photos and video. For example
dear friends,
try this experiment and understand how your photos are
visible in the WORLD.
Find a profile of someone who
NOT among friends and that you have set the
BOARD visible ALL .
Well, if this COMMENT
a guy photos (his or his friend),
you see on their wall
" Tizio said Caius PHOTO "
and know that if CLICK on PHOTO
will see the photo of Caio ,
a user who does not know ,
which you do not even friends in common?
Here 's the example of papal papal
global sharing of your photos .
The solution to defend your photos and video
by third parties?
None. Indeed there is a.
not subscribe to the site and thus will not disclose your information.
Why do you think MySpace is doing?
Badoo doing? Read these papyri
10 kilometers long before
subscribe to one site.
Because after you click the button accepted
're screwed!
Article by Daniele Lapenna
Techdecklive Online For Free
Press by Giorgio Razeto
In the press today:
1) Vatican Radio - Audiences & Angelus, news of 06/03 / 2011 - The Angelus of Benedict XVI - Full text
2) Popieluszko, the priest who put the lie to the regime of Antonio Giuliano, on 03/05/2011
3) 05/03/2011- PAKISTAN - Pakistan: acquitted on blasphemy charges, was killed on the street. The "black law" is still victims
4) READINGS / The Houellebecq phenomenon, a prophet of a world desperate orphan of eternal life - Staff Writer - Saturday, March 5, 2011,
5) Libya falters. Meanwhile, Lebanon has already lost - there won Hezbollah, backed by Iran and Syria. Here the ideology and programs of the "Party of God," explained to "Oasis," the magazine of the patriarchate of Venice by Sandro Magister
6), March 5, 2011 - That "desire" of death - Return to the Law of David Rondoni
7) History - "My husband is blocked, but his life has meaning" - FRANCESCA DA PIACENZA Lozito - Talk to the wife of Gianni, 12 years closed in the locked-in syndrome, "Before becoming ill did not want to be invalid. After that, we always asked for help '- Future, March 5, 2011
8) natural fertility, in the sign of a new feminism "ecological" * Maria Angela Cosentino
9) Benedict XVI's new book on Jesus is the anticipation of (Source: ASCA)
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