The pets are always good company. For many of us are even more simple creatures, who in fact there is cats and dogs as true members of their family by making them sleep in the bed, includes accessories of various kinds and even kissing in the mouth. This last behavior on the part of employers, however, could prove harmful to human health . How do you explain the Dr. Paul Maza , vice-director of the College of Veterinary Medicine at Cornell University, if not treated properly, kiss your dog and cat can become harmful for health man is more vulnerable than animal
Between man and 'pet there are many bacteria in the mouth that are shared. However, if dog and cat are not cleaned and treated in a manner appropriate for the "lick" can transmit various diseases. It 'important to maintain oral hygiene care of your pet lavandogli pulendogli teeth and mouth. With these measures, the mouth of a four-legged friend can become even more sanitized than a man.
For example, for people with low immune system with HIV or other diseases, but also weak and a rischio come gli anziani, dovrebbero evitare di baciare i propri animali domestici perché la resistenza del loro organismo è molto bassa e sono più facilmente sottoposti a infezioni batteriche o da germi .
Se poi non riuscite proprio a rinunciare a questi
gesti affettuosi dei vostri amati animali, allora non dimenticatevi di:
lavare bene la bocca del vostro animale;
non fare mangiare loro gli avanzi della spazzatura
e pulire regolarmente le ciotole di cibo e acqua!