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Manggiossi Cash, the prophet of the two surnames, was arrested yesterday morning as she held one of his life lessons to Porrina. The famous traveler and soul of the countries has been found with some of his students near a rice field. The four boys aged between 16 and 21 years, and two girls aged 21 and 20 years were all found naked and unconscious.
Manggiossi was intent to break the Australian Acorns and babbling of an episode in capitatogli Mudululululu in Lulonia. '.. At one point mentre il Dio del Rock dagli occhi vitrei, mi diceva: “Manggiossi , Tu devi correre a Fantasia, velocissimo Tu devi andare, perché lì io ho lasciato il violino che gli angeli della notte vogliono suonarlo…Un Dio dislessico, pensai..» Interrotto dall’arrivo dei Gendarmi, Manggiossi ha chiesto se poteva sciogliere insieme alle ghiande australiane, i gradi che il maresciallo teneva ben appuntati sul petto.
Uno dei ragazzi drogati e completamente nudo, alla sollecitazione di un nostro collega ha faticosamente sussurrato. “ Non ne posso più, ditegli di rullare quella canna e passalla. Sono sei ore che s’aspetta”. Alla nostra domanda, come mai fossero nudi, dove fossero finiti i vestiti. Il ragazzo which has the answer that the teacher set them loose against drugs in Australia. According to the teacher, adulterated drugs can get better in touch with participants. However, Manggiossi will soon be released. Indeed, the young people said that did not know him and did not even know who he was. Another story for all Manggiossi to tell?
Photo: Mangiossi stadium before the derby Camporognone - Rognonese.