Monday, January 31, 2011

Teck Deck Online Shop

H1N1: another victim in Puglia. It 's the eighth victim

I had already posted a 'other news a few days ago
( Influenza A, two new cases still in Puglia), but here again
H1N1 virus that slaughters in Puglia.

few days ago was the seventh death occurred in the region:
a man who died at the Policlinico of Bari, who suffers from serious problems
Today the news of ' eighth victim of influenza A .

It is, as we learn from Ansa, a
65, died the Hospitals of Foggia .
The woman was suffering from serious diseases past, including
obesity and diabetes mellitus ,
and was hospitalized for several days in intensive care hospital

stands out, however, that the dead who have had disease
affected the course of the disease.
healthy subjects can be sure, but certainly concerned about this flu
, and not a little. Beyond
alarmism is obvious to note that
obesity, cardio-circular
respiratory and other illnesses can make
weak immune system, for one reason ol 'else.

Article by Daniele Lapenna

news source -victim-in-puglia-56709.html


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