Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Majestic Baggy Baseball Pants

From that pulpit

The Bishop of Rome complaint "a certain weakening of the perception of ethical principles on underpinning the law and the personal moral attitudes, which in those systems always give strength "

The answer to this crap again invasion of the field " externalization " would to Francis Nucara (PRI) :

" With all due respect to the high office of the Papal States, who have expressed concerns about the Italian laws and morality, that we would do well to deal first of all cases of child abuse within their communities. Confession cases, and therefore more morally harmful assumptions offense Italy.

He continues pointing out that "... the Italian justice system has three levels of courts and e 'early to talk about laws violated by the President of the Council. For the moment there is only the certainty of violation by the Vatican to pay ICI addition to the accounts never welded Ace

a.''It would be ...

It 's a shame, because Malvino points out that these words are from a representative of a majority in the supine position against the Vatican is beyond doubt. Just as it is a pity that this was the only voice - between the majority and opposition.

Worse, much worse, today we feel a left that should defend the values \u200b\u200bof secularism to pontificate and moralize left and right, much closer to television preachers from overseas and the madness of the fundamentalists Sanfedists of our house rather than a socialist eutoniano , "mature" and raised, who no longer has need of mummies in tombs and preachers in a skirt ( Anyone who has heard Enrico Letta to Tg2 last night knows what I mean).
depressing, disgusting, adjectives and nouns, there are unrestricted educational, but what comes to mind when I hear those waving the Constitution in mo 'with a club, only to forget that the Constitution is a secular is the same that comes to mind for the bishop of Rome and his followers: hypocrisy.


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