H1N1: another victim in Puglia. It 's the eighth victim
I had already posted a 'other news a few days ago
( Influenza A, two new cases still in Puglia), but here again
H1N1 virus that slaughters in Puglia.
few days ago was the seventh death occurred in the region:
a man who died at the Policlinico of Bari, who suffers from serious problems
Today the news of ' eighth victim of influenza A .
It is, as we learn from Ansa, a
65, died the Hospitals of Foggia .
The woman was suffering from serious diseases past, including
obesity and diabetes mellitus ,
and was hospitalized for several days in intensive care hospital
stands out, however, that the dead who have had disease
affected the course of the disease.
healthy subjects can be sure, but certainly concerned about this flu
, and not a little. Beyond
alarmism is obvious to note that
obesity, cardio-circular
respiratory and other illnesses can make
weak immune system, for one reason ol 'else.
Article by Daniele Lapenna
news source
http://www.italia-news.it/salute-c13/influenza-a-h1n1--muore-65enne-a-foggia--e-lottava -victim-in-puglia-56709.html
Monday, January 31, 2011
Uses Of A Peeler Outside The Kitchen
Health: Basilicata to 73 million euro for technology in hospitals
(Reuters) - POWER, 27 GEN -
amounted to EUR 73 million the budget for
il potenziamento delle tecnologie negli ospedali lucani
e per il completamento degli interventi di messa in sicurezza
delle strutture , in particolare per il rischio sismico :
e' quanto e' emerso oggi, a Roma, nel corso di un incontro
tra i rappresentanti della Regione Basilicata e del ministero
della Salute. All'incontro hanno partecipato il direttore
generale del dipartimento regionale alla salute,
Piero Quinto, e il dirigente dell'ufficio programmazione
del ministero, Filippo Basso. (ANSA).
Gentili political Lucania, a courtesy,
not eat this money
as has happened in years past because of other policies, both in Basilicata in
I mention all the other regions of Italy 's
on any funds allocated to the regions.
I ask please.
spend well these 73 million.
(Reuters) - POWER, 27 GEN -
amounted to EUR 73 million the budget for
il potenziamento delle tecnologie negli ospedali lucani
e per il completamento degli interventi di messa in sicurezza
delle strutture , in particolare per il rischio sismico :
e' quanto e' emerso oggi, a Roma, nel corso di un incontro
tra i rappresentanti della Regione Basilicata e del ministero
della Salute. All'incontro hanno partecipato il direttore
generale del dipartimento regionale alla salute,
Piero Quinto, e il dirigente dell'ufficio programmazione
del ministero, Filippo Basso. (ANSA).
Gentlemen's Political Basilicata
Gentili political Lucania, a courtesy,
not eat this money
as has happened in years past because of other policies, both in Basilicata in
I mention all the other regions of Italy 's
on any funds allocated to the regions.
I ask please.
spend well these 73 million.
A citizen who pays taxes.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Digital Blue Qx5 Linux
Alarm pollution Lambro. The pollutant is heading to Milan
Before you read ' article please see here
I was looking for a 'picture to put for the article and
I came across this blog post.
not comment. I leave you comment.
Milan, January 28 - (Adnkronos) - E
'took about 12 this morning
a new' alarm pollution 'for the River Lambro ,
tract Monza. To disclose in a press
and 'the Province of Monza and Brianza.
After the first reports from Biassono and Villasanta
agents polizia provinciale sono intervenuti insieme
ai tecnici del settore Ambiente, dell'Arpa e il nucleo
sommozzatori della Protezione Civile.
Dalle prime indagini " l'origine dell'immissione
dell'inquinante nel fiume, che a prima vista sembra
si tratti di idrocarburi , e' stata identificata in uno
scolmatore del collettore fognario proveniente
dalla zona industriale di Villasanta ed ulteriori
ricerche sono in corso per localizzare con maggiore
precisione il punto dello sversamento. La macchia
inquinante ora ha gia' superato la citta' di Monza
e si dirige verso Milano , dove sono stati
alerted the technicians and the provincial police .
Meanwhile " you're considering the possibility ' to place absorbent cloth in stretches of the river more' suitable for collecting debris in solution .
While technicians are taking action to finalize the procedure for sampling with laboratory analysis, the Provincial Councillor for Environment together with the chairman Dario Sala Fabrizio Allevi condemning the latest episode of incivility 'on the river by the province ensure the continued widespread coverage the territory. "We need more accountability 'and environmental awareness to protect our waterways serving, Unfortunately, the severe consequences of years of neglect and inattention. Many, too many end-that-are uncivilized people do not realize the damage that endeavor. "

Before you read ' article please see here
I was looking for a 'picture to put for the article and
I came across this blog post.
not comment. I leave you comment.
Milan, January 28 - (Adnkronos) - E
'took about 12 this morning
a new' alarm pollution 'for the River Lambro ,
tract Monza. To disclose in a press
and 'the Province of Monza and Brianza.
After the first reports from Biassono and Villasanta
agents polizia provinciale sono intervenuti insieme
ai tecnici del settore Ambiente, dell'Arpa e il nucleo
sommozzatori della Protezione Civile.
Dalle prime indagini " l'origine dell'immissione
dell'inquinante nel fiume, che a prima vista sembra
si tratti di idrocarburi , e' stata identificata in uno
scolmatore del collettore fognario proveniente
dalla zona industriale di Villasanta ed ulteriori
ricerche sono in corso per localizzare con maggiore
precisione il punto dello sversamento. La macchia
inquinante ora ha gia' superato la citta' di Monza
e si dirige verso Milano , dove sono stati
alerted the technicians and the provincial police .
Meanwhile " you're considering the possibility ' to place absorbent cloth in stretches of the river more' suitable for collecting debris in solution .
While technicians are taking action to finalize the procedure for sampling with laboratory analysis, the Provincial Councillor for Environment together with the chairman Dario Sala Fabrizio Allevi condemning the latest episode of incivility 'on the river by the province ensure the continued widespread coverage the territory. "We need more accountability 'and environmental awareness to protect our waterways serving, Unfortunately, the severe consequences of years of neglect and inattention. Many, too many end-that-are uncivilized people do not realize the damage that endeavor. "
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Majestic Baggy Baseball Pants
From that pulpit
The Bishop of Rome complaint "a certain weakening of the perception of ethical principles on underpinning the law and the personal moral attitudes, which in those systems always give strength "
The answer to this crap again invasion of the field " externalization " would to Francis Nucara (PRI) :
" With all due respect to the high office of the Papal States, who have expressed concerns about the Italian laws and morality, that we would do well to deal first of all cases of child abuse within their communities. Confession cases, and therefore more morally harmful assumptions offense Italy.
He continues pointing out that "... the Italian justice system has three levels of courts and e 'early to talk about laws violated by the President of the Council. For the moment there is only the certainty of violation by the Vatican to pay ICI addition to the accounts never welded Ace
a.''It would be ...
It 's a shame, because Malvino points out that these words are from a representative of a majority in the supine position against the Vatican is beyond doubt. Just as it is a pity that this was the only voice - between the majority and opposition.
Worse, much worse, today we feel a left that should defend the values \u200b\u200bof secularism to pontificate and moralize left and right, much closer to television preachers from overseas and the madness of the fundamentalists Sanfedists of our house rather than a socialist eutoniano , "mature" and raised, who no longer has need of mummies in tombs and preachers in a skirt ( Anyone who has heard Enrico Letta to Tg2 last night knows what I mean).
depressing, disgusting, adjectives and nouns, there are unrestricted educational, but what comes to mind when I hear those waving the Constitution in mo 'with a club, only to forget that the Constitution is a secular is the same that comes to mind for the bishop of Rome and his followers: hypocrisy.
The Bishop of Rome complaint "a certain weakening of the perception of ethical principles on underpinning the law and the personal moral attitudes, which in those systems always give strength "
The answer to this crap again
" With all due respect to the high office of the Papal States, who have expressed concerns about the Italian laws and morality, that we would do well to deal first of all cases of child abuse within their communities. Confession cases, and therefore more morally harmful assumptions offense Italy.
He continues pointing out that "... the Italian justice system has three levels of courts and e 'early to talk about laws violated by the President of the Council. For the moment there is only the certainty of violation by the Vatican to pay ICI addition to the accounts never welded Ace
a.''It would be ...
It 's a shame, because Malvino points out that these words are from a representative of a majority in the supine position against the Vatican is beyond doubt. Just as it is a pity that this was the only voice - between the majority and opposition.
Worse, much worse, today we feel a left that should defend the values \u200b\u200bof secularism to pontificate and moralize left and right, much closer to television preachers from overseas and the madness of the fundamentalists Sanfedists of our house rather than a socialist eutoniano , "mature" and raised, who no longer has need of mummies in tombs and preachers in a skirt ( Anyone who has heard Enrico Letta to Tg2 last night knows what I mean).
depressing, disgusting, adjectives and nouns, there are unrestricted educational, but what comes to mind when I hear those waving the Constitution in mo 'with a club, only to forget that the Constitution is a secular is the same that comes to mind for the bishop of Rome and his followers: hypocrisy.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Dermatomyositis Triggered By Pregnancy
vs Formigoni. Law
Zero to one. And 'this is the response TAR on the guidelines on the implementation of the Lombardy region 194. You can not regulate a law in different ways throughout the country. Game over? No, the middle ball and start again, or better still. It continues because the
aggrssione of the CL 194 in California (for through Formigoni) is not what began yesterday. It does not end with this ruling and that Formigoni same CL same refuse.
the appointment "policy" of the primary structures under the control of the region, continuing the offensive and ruthless of the "Pro-life" against the rights, against the law and the common good manners (thus far by the "advice" in the law, here you go directly to the insults and without going through the "way").
Unfortunately this is the result of infiltration at all levels (and not get your hopes up, in all factions) of Italian politics of the Catholic Hezbollah (link now unattainable, read here ). Hezbollah, armed with a campaign promise to always publicized but never implemented, trying to put a ban from the window of a religious nature that the Italian people had - by referenda - flew out the door.
It 's the same old story with the usual feast of minority firm have pocketed the truth about what is good or bad for others. Unfortunately, history is replete with examples of how this "truth" is supposed to be processed quickly in real tragedies.
CL and squdracce fundamentalist trying to put one foot in the door of the law, have failed this time, tomorrow ...
You know, tomorrow is another day.
Zero to one. And 'this is the response TAR on the guidelines on the implementation of the Lombardy region 194. You can not regulate a law in different ways throughout the country. Game over? No, the middle ball and start again, or better still. It continues because the
aggrssione of the CL 194 in California (for through Formigoni) is not what began yesterday. It does not end with this ruling and that Formigoni same CL same refuse.
the appointment "policy" of the primary structures under the control of the region, continuing the offensive and ruthless of the "Pro-life" against the rights, against the law and the common good manners (thus far by the "advice" in the law, here you go directly to the insults and without going through the "way").
Unfortunately this is the result of infiltration at all levels (and not get your hopes up, in all factions) of Italian politics of the Catholic Hezbollah (link now unattainable, read here ). Hezbollah, armed with a campaign promise to always publicized but never implemented, trying to put a ban from the window of a religious nature that the Italian people had - by referenda - flew out the door.
It 's the same old story with the usual feast of minority firm have pocketed the truth about what is good or bad for others. Unfortunately, history is replete with examples of how this "truth" is supposed to be processed quickly in real tragedies.
CL and squdracce fundamentalist trying to put one foot in the door of the law, have failed this time, tomorrow ...
You know, tomorrow is another day.
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