's the story, unfortunately, not unique, and unfortunately short, those who brought him the marks of true martyrdom. In a recent interview
, Salvatore Domolo, ex-priest, tells of how he made unwelcome acquaintance with the scandal of pedophilia in the Catholic Church, as a child. Fatherless, a child he met with a priest who offered to replace the missing father figure.
But the father figure who turns out to be more like that of an ogre.
innocent victim of abuse for years, Salvatore entered the seminary to escape the ogre, but when he discovers that lies within the silence and control are part of the "system". Even the psychological support that is offered is under full control of his superiors. The only real support they get if they try to "out" and get it privately, almost secretly.
Savior is now completely out of the "system". He abandoned his habit, he sbattezzato. It fights for the truth so embarrassing for the Catholic church, for politicians who support it (or submit), for "supporters" who are becoming increasingly "hooligan" with the passage of time.
Once again: what you accuse the Catholic Church are not the facts in them (though the proportion of pedophiles in the Catholic church should reflect the society we should gird our kindergartens of barbed wire and anti-personnel mines and call Marines to act as caretakers).
No, gentlemen, are accused of cover, the charge is to impose silence . Silence that is imposed through documents official , silence that is imposed through intimidation. And these charges ours is not only the victim but also a witness. Taxation that emerge from the interview as a tragic Volume obscene bookmarks.
" The Gospel speaks of a God who wants to serve man as it is: a message that continues to fascinate. The Church has reversed, saying that the man should serve God by submitting to him, in all ways, if you want to save. So people, out of fear and guilt, is forced to submit to the hierarchy. Hence arise abuse. "
(From the interview" City ") has opened a site
" La Colpa ", dove raccoglie le testimonianze degli abusi, la voce delle vittime. Voce che troppo spesso viene soffocata in nome di... Non si capisce bene cosa, di una specie di idolatria superstiziosa per l'"istituzione" chiesa? Qualcosa che porrebbe la gerarchia e i suoi membri al di sopra della legge umana e della stessa legge divina che essi stessi dicono di propugnare (con buona pace dello spericolato accostamento tra "valori" e "cristiani", con buona pace anche delle c. d. "radici dell'occidente").
" La mia esperienza spirituale è una continua ricerca di Dio nell’uomo, in me e nelle altre persone. Chi va servito è l’uomo: Dio non ha bisogno di esser difeso né servito! "
(From the interview with "City )
There is now a new link in the sidebar of" The Pope Died. " There is also a new link on the blog of this writer. I hope this post serves to "appear" a new link on many other blogs. Because if silence is their weapon, the only way to come up and shout that the emperor has no clothes, and so will be stronger this cry, the weaker will be their weapon.
Domolo Interview with Salvatore to "Reservoir Dogs"