In 32 ° at the festival of "water balloon provola the Whisky" famous sweet ritortiglianese, the country also known for being the birthplace of the philosopher Augustine Senzalacche contemporary nihilist, is preparing for the ninth international gathering of motorcycle wheels.
Over 200 hectares of fields have been paved for the occasion to allow reckless lovers of two wheels and means of performing stunts, wheelies and skids.
There will be samples from around the world including Ektor Vrenzen (SGH) on last year's winner of the jumping competition of the bins of sewage that reached all-time record of 21 cans and landed right into the twenty-second maximum with the joy of the crowd amused by evolution.
again this year through the following competitions: jump of the slurry bins, wheelies on Rotina turn left and race on straightness raised without protection (12 and 24 meters).
With Purchase of 4 water balloon festival at the entrance to the hall of the rally will be free:
addition to the races you can see and experience some of the models that have shaped the history of the bikes with wheels as Giamaka Chemer Vap 500 ( portrait drawings in the poster above).
event not to be missed.
There will be samples from around the world including Ektor Vrenzen (SGH) on last year's winner of the jumping competition of the bins of sewage that reached all-time record of 21 cans and landed right into the twenty-second maximum with the joy of the crowd amused by evolution.
again this year through the following competitions: jump of the slurry bins, wheelies on Rotina turn left and race on straightness raised without protection (12 and 24 meters).
With Purchase of 4 water balloon festival at the entrance to the hall of the rally will be free:
addition to the races you can see and experience some of the models that have shaped the history of the bikes with wheels as Giamaka Chemer Vap 500 ( portrait drawings in the poster above).
event not to be missed.
by Werdes Bremen