Sunday, December 2, 2007

Pioneer Receiver To Pc


In Italy, Workers, Society and politics have always been orphaned by one of fact.
Lobby industry and political interests accustomed to the dynamics of exchange "encourage the phenomenon.

Consequently, the 'foresight', the first between the healthy qualities cultivated by older people is not just the culture of our country. Moreover

development caged and tied to the stake by the interests of "power," although we live in one state and in a totally immersed in the era of Globalization, lots and represses the long-term investment and business plans herald holy work and wages safe words are used only for electoral propaganda.
prevails entrepreneurial recklessness, carelessness and lightness that carries the entire country on the threshold of the abyss of an impending social crisis.

as cyclical in the past, State, Politics and Economics do not lend themselves to recognize the integrity objective of the work done by the person undertaking the work, deliberately neglecting the priority of social value that it holds instead.

The continuous progress of technology and information systems and support increase the problem, because poorly managed end to make negative developments in the sectors of industry.

fact, if we add to this the introduction of professional employment as a special "cages" ad hoc contracts within the national category (special parts), it follows these expedients the loss of the protections that make it even less powerful strongholds and contractual workers "traditional" and young people themselves made with flexible contracts.

tables, agreements and arrangements in order to become the exclusive benefit of the captains of industry who once reached the immediate goal, and soon forget the agreements continue overwhelmingly to demand more and unilateral advantages. Moreover

today is widespread cultivation of pro-subjection best companies, even by the middle class, ordinary people, so many workers, many trade unionists and across deep trends that undermine even the neo-liberal left-wing parties, forgetting that such effects are the alarm bells which now only one of us gives the utmost attention.

This represents not only the habitat in which the decadent social partners "consult" our future, but it foreshadows the defeat at both strategic and tactical even before "the streets".
Preface to the claims of workers, the employers is a logical blunder in which no defender is considered as such, should never occur.

On the jarring notes of this consideration led by those who, rightly or wrongly, it would be desirable to renounce the role that becomes him ill, it is not uncommon to hear sentences beyond belief, when despite terrorist circulars and corporate communications at RSA, state clearly cutting staff, mobility, transfers, indecently Indore from "economic benefits" awarded to the staff concerned the reorganization, to shamelessly Workers him is to say,
"The company can do";
"Although the Company enjoys excellent health, if you want you can send everyone home;
" Do not raise her voice too much otherwise the company may also close "
" In the new contract do not ask, otherwise we might lose the job. "

To say of these, the national trade agreements, contracts and additional company laws to protect workers, would be little more than waste paper and does not represent the aberrant brake master's intentions, as reported by the press of so many warlike undertakings present the national territory, which cyclically "Drop a perennial Chinese claim seeking the reduction of costs to cut staff despite the considerable income to the budget.
Reducing these reasons, our expectations for the future job security, equivalent to a yield unacceptable in wages in Italy.

Who goes on this false analysis is no longer excusable.
Who gives ground for workers' rights is not credible.
who insists on this line, deceiving the workers.
Who is really convinced of the states has to change bank and stripping of roles that do not believe.

banning uncertainties.
In all areas possible, who represents the workers, now in poi dovrà non solo difendere ma riconquistare le posizioni di diritto ingiustamente sottratte ai Lavoratori: il Diritto al Lavoro Stabile e Dignitoso.

Rimuovere dal patrimonio culturale dei Lavoratori l’anima egemone della “Lotta”, della rivendicazione al diritto al lavoro, di un adeguato stipendio e di quant’altro tendente a favorire la difesa dei diritti inalienabili, conquistati con “100 anni della Nostra Storia”, giova esclusivamente alle pretese di confindustria che senza colpo ferire e consapevole di una arrendevole difesa, con il tempo pretenderà di far prevalere le esclusive logiche neoliberiste che giorno dopo giorno deturpano il palcoscenico dagli investimenti del nostro paese.

La dislocazione degli stabilimenti all’estero, il ricorso ai frequenti trasferimenti d’azienda o rami d’azienda agli «appaltatori di fiducia» che il più delle volte sono società di capitali, allo scopo costituite e/o partecipate dallo stesso cedente, che celano assai spesso criptiche manovre di licenziamenti collettivi, producono solo l’infoltimento delle schiere dei Giovani Precari, e gli ingannevoli e strumentali espedienti delle Esternalizzazioni.

Occorre un immediato richiamo all’orgoglio dei Lavoratori, emulando e citando a ricordo i tanti che hanno lottato fino allo stremo le 1000 battaglie del XX secolo e che ci hanno lasciato una eredità da non dimenticare, da non trascurare, da non svendere, da non alienare.

E’ inevitabile risalire la china, acquistare nuovamente la Forza che solo la partecipazione costante delle masse consente di raggiungere il fine comune:

Emuliamo il popolo Francese che è sceso in piazza e ha movimentato Milioni e Milioni di Lavoratori contro le politiche minacciose degli interessi del popolo, da qualunque ambito politico esse provengano.
Recuperiamo il Carattere e la Dignità di tutti i LAVORATORI.
Non permettiamo di essere svenduti e derubati della nostra professionalità e dei nostri diritti.

Difendiamo anche il benessere raggiunto, ma non dimentichiamo che esso è un puro fenomeno inerziale e temporaneo, volutamente concesso dall’economia di mercato e dal bombardante potere mediatico, tendenti a focalizzare le nostre attenzioni altrove per impoverire le nostre difese che negli ultimi vent’anni abbiamo sempre più dimenticato essere le nostre sole ed esclusive forme di salvaguardia e sostegno:

Forgiamo la nostra linea di difesa con la preparazione adeguata.
Lo Statuto dei Lavoratori seppure mal si presta ai moderni e taglienti pacchetti normative neoliberal is a tool that all employees should know as well as Law 223 of 1991 which regulates the staff reductions, layoffs, mobility, etc.. etc.. and Art. 2112 of the CC, which regulates the transfer of business and / or businesses. The Syndicate

although legitimate and staunch defender of "employees" without a determination, the convincing force and the immediate support of the workers would not be able to win against an enemy more fierce and powerful.
E 'need the help of all
Without the strong spirit of solidarity among workers, without bond and authoritative representative of the Trade union must be able to again take the BASE claims to promote and carry out unconditionally the benefit of the total wages of Italy, the worker will become more pliable to the corporate market and the business logic
To avoid this and prevent the involvement Employees unaware of the logic pro-business, it is essential that the workers returned to dominate the strong spirit of solidarity and combined contribution of the union will help identify new forms of struggle and participation in support of the upcoming "battle" that will be .