Monday, October 22, 2007

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Saturday, October 20 is the date that will remind us united against those who want compact and precarious outsource the entire country.

Until the millions of messages sent to ns. employees in parliament, a government wake up dormant, numb and light years away from their commitments so far not complied with the pre-election program, I trust in your ACCESSION to the Appeal to be sent to all parliamentarians to enact the bill no. The amendment to Article 2261per .2112 CC: "Safeguarding the rights of workers in case of transfer of business and / or business unit."

Who believes this bill is unnecessary because first you have to destroy the law, 30, say that in any case, this bill will be, beyond to what is intended and what we can get, the springboard for the recall referendum of Law 30 of the implementing Decree No. 276, the partial withdrawal of Legislative Decree 368 of 2001 on temporary contracts, and the abolition of the words "within the trade unions that are signatories to collective bargaining agreements applied in the production unit" art. 19 of Law 300/70, filed in the Supreme Organizing Committee for the temporary work and for union democracy.
Also as of now, be in a position to disclose that the proposed law, facilitates the task and we train the mind in direct contact with The people, temporary workers, workers and outsourced workers who do not have problems but who are not aware of the laws which affect the value halter heads.
Why mobilize in Spring 2008 to begin the referendum propaganda when you can do it with 6 months d'anticipo ?
Il momento is favorable and should be seized immediately, especially after the great result that we have all met with the October 20 event .
Given the great difficulties encountered in the national political and economic environment, we certainly far removed, we certainly have the time back miser and pressed to hurry.
The difficulties in the broad sense, does not affect the will to change things that do not appear to us right. It is in this light that we willfully disclose the Proposed Law 2261 and committing our resources to sharpen even more when we start the campaign.

Even if you do not succeed in reaching the Amendment of Art. 2112 CC, the important thing is that people common, the outsourced works, the same insecure, ignorant of what a lot of work to such a rule could affect their future, know that:

there a bill for the amendment of Article. 2112 of the Civil Code that would restore protections for workers, circumvented by the Berlusconi government in the aftermath of the Law 30, and D. Decree 276, where art. 32 allowed us to eliminate from the 2112 rights and guarantees that it contained.

Open a second "front" against the common enemy is a useful and positive.
The repeal of Act 30 should not be dealt with in six months but we have the credibility offending progressing from its strongholds in the "scale" that the bill could allow 2261 if they spread propaganda and the contents carefully.
Again we are late.
in the procession on Saturday I often spoke with demonstrators who did not know what were the outsourcing.
We're talking about people who work and tomorrow could be affected by the transfer of business and do not even know what it is.
This is a grave danger and will remain so if between now and the Spring of 2008, the beginning of the referendum petition, we have eliminated the creeping enemy disinformation.
Disseminate, promote and clarify. Three precious words to bend the careful and aggressive defenders of neo-liberal laws.
Three words that meanwhile could pave the way and restore the protections that guaranteed the workers until 2112 CC 2003.
is not a trivial matter.

While insecurity is a condition that arises at the same time the recruitment of young workers, who all criticized and we would like fixed in the open-ended contracts, outsourcing is a creeping and insidious threat that until they get hit you do not care.

It is comforting to know there is a real possibility of salvation for many workers affected by the transfer of business?

not appreciated at the same time, many unsuspecting workers know and understand on what could be affected and how to protect themselves today, documenting and joined the campaign?

So far, the hopes of those who suffered the terrible consequences, as happened to the undersigned, who had not earned him criticism and condemnation that they accredit an unjust law.
To date, none of us thought to exist in the depths of the Web a bill, pungent, and refractory to a business system that ties the hands of the political power and the deregulation of employment protection.

Now that we have dug up half of both hope and active participation by workers, we would inevitably defend and spread the message that this bill entails.

It gives us the strength and courage of the electorate that would otherwise appear more and more workers off and uncertain, and convince the politicians too moderate, to have more courage, because aware of the potential release of so many workers who want to climb the slope and regain their rights.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

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In June 2007 the Commission of the International Labour Organization, ILO, United Nations Agency for Labour Rights, examined the situation in Italy and the effects of Law 30.
Queste le critiche al nostro Paese:
"Con il pretesto della flessbilità per modernizzare il mercato del lavoro, la Legge 30 del 2003 ha creato una situazione di Precarietà preoccupante";
"According to official statistics, the contracts have become almost the only way that young people find a job but then it is rare that this will translate into stable jobs, a ratio of one to 25 "
"Stanno aumentando le distorsioni del mercato del lavoro, specialmente nel Sud del paese dove la diminuzione del tasso di occupazione ha raggiunto livelli allarmanti".

Dai verbali dell'audizione italiana, emerge con chiarezza "l'incompatibilità" delle riforme del Governo Berlusconi rispetto alla Convenzione 122 sulle politiche del lavoro.

La Convenzione impone agli Stati membri l'adozione of "programs aimed at achieving full employment, productive and freely chosen" and in general "the elevation of standards of living, by fighting unemployment and ensuring a suitable wage."

Instead, the Commission composed of 20 labor law scholars from around the world, "the only aim pursued by the old government is to liberalize the labor market model of a bargaining indvidualizzata increasingly at the expense of territorial development policies nel'industria and research, essential to ensure competitiveness in innovative sectors, rather than trying to compete with emerging economies on costo del lavoro".

La Commissione Internazionale dopo aver ascoltato i Sindacati e imprese e dopo la valutazione della Legge 30 e dlle sue forme contrattuali ha dato le sue indicazioni individuando alcune priorità da seguire per rimediare ai danni dell'ultima riforma - Legge n.30 del 14 Febbraio 2003 - e rispettare la Convenzione 122.

In sintesi è stato richiesto:

"un ritorno alla centralità del rapporto di lavoro a tempo indeterminato come forma tipica di occupazione", attraverso una concertazione che vada a beneficio dei lavoratori, in termini di condizioni salariali e di vita, e non solo delle imprese.

Vedi articolo integrale sul Link:

Monday, October 15, 2007

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"WE ARE ALL Faustino"

Le vittime sacrificali di Confindustria e della politica imprenditoriale, hanno un nome: ESTERNALIZZATI e PRECARI.

Nessuno per ora ha fatto niente per modificare specifiche normative che oggi, più che mai, non tutelano i diritti dei Lavoratori.

Giorgio Zanutto, R.L.S. c/o Carive SpA, nonchè dirigente dell'Associazione Sindacale Libero Sindacato Bancari della Provincia di Venezia - Aderente alla F.A.L.C.R.I., non ci sta.
Venuto a conoscenza dell'esistenza di una Proposta di Legge per la Modifica dell'Art. 2112 del Codice Civile, si appresta a dare man forte a tutti i Lavoratori Esternalizzati e Precari d'Italia.

In occasione del 61° Consiglio Nazionale della FALCRI (Ottobre 2007) è stato presentato dai relatori un documento dal titolo "Siamo tutti Faustini" il quale non è inteso a supportare il singolo Lavoratore contro l'Azienda che l'ha Esternalizzato, bensì rappresenta l'avvio di una campagna per portare avanti ufficialmente "la Modifica dell'Art.2112 del C.C.": il vero interesse generale per la collettività.
Vedi il Link del Coordinamento Nazionale Rappresentanti e Lavoratori per la Sicurezza:
ADERISCI ALL'APPELLO postato su questo Blog, oppure vai al Link:

What To Do If Driver Licence Is Lost Ohio

READ THE BILL FOR N.2261 CHANGE OF ART. CODE OF 2112 CIVIL. Go to the link below


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accept the proposal of the Law provides that the consent of the employees to the outsourcing that precarious

Sunday, October 14, 2007

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BILL TO AMEND THE ARTICLE. 2112 CHE outsourcing and precarious WORKERS cgi/738.1361713617

Appeal to Parliamentarians of the Italian Republic to ensure, as soon as possible, to approve:

d'iniziativa dei deputati
Modifiche all'articolo 2112 del codice civile in materia di mantenimento dei diritti dei lavoratori in caso di trasferimento d'azienda o di ramo d'azienda
Presentata il 14 febbraio 2007

Si ritiene che una modifica dell'articolo n. 2112 del Codice Civile sia ora della massima importanza e necessiti del sostegno attivo dei lavoratori, cioè di coloro che materialmente fanno l'esperienza di cosa sia, in negativo, la legislazione vigente in materia di trasferimenti di ramo d'azienda.
L’attuale normativa, infatti, could be functional to the masking procedures and recurrence of fraudulent and illegal sale of collective redundancies.
The purpose of the proposed Law 2261 is precisely to prevent - Consistent with the spirit of a rule signifi-cantly entitled Safeguarding of workers in case of transfer of business - the unintended use of the instrument of transfer of business and the associated reduction in the protection of workers.
In particular, in order to limit the distortions and abuses determined by the current wording of Article. 2112 cc, the bill in question aims to make the transfer of workers hired out their consent.
only way to return to the original ratio protective nature of Article 2112 of the Civil Code.

The underwriters of this document and then invite the of the Italian Parliament, representatives of the underwriters themselves according to the principles of representative democracy, to ensure, as soon as possible, to approve the
BILL No 2261, on the initiative of deputies BURG, Zipponi, Pagliarini, FERRARA, Rock, PROVERA, De Cristofaro
entitled: "Amendments to Article 2112 of the Civil Code relating to the maintenance of workers' rights in case of trasferimento d'azienda o di ramo d'azienda”, presentata nel già lontano 14 febbraio 2007.

Gli interessati sono pregati di inviare l’adesione, attraverso i canali e-mail, all’indirizzo (*)
Si provvederà poi alla pubblicazione della lista (sempre attraverso internet) e alla spedizione della sottoscrizione al Parlamento Italiano, presumibilmente verso la fine di ottobre, salvo ripetizione nel caso di sostanziali nuove adesioni.
(*) Rappresentante dei lavoratori per la sicurezza e dirigente dell’associazione sindacale Libero-FALCRI-Venezia

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